50 Great Martial Arts Youtube Channels you NEED to Subscribe to today!
50 Great Martial Arts Youtube Channels you NEED to Subscribe to today!
If like me, you are always on the look out for great martial arts related content to check out on Youtube, then this pretty definitive list will hopefully come as something of a godsend! Although I obviously run the WARRIOR COLLECTIVE channel (check it or any of the others listed below simply by clicking on the name) and enjoy putting awesome content out each week, I also love a whole heap of other Youtubers! These are the 50 Martial Arts Youtube Channels that I keep going back to again and again because of all the amazing stuff they put out!!
Evolve MMA is a phenomenal chain of Martial Arts super gyms based around Singapore. Founded and opened by Chatri Sityodtong, Evolve MMA is a literal powerhouse in the world of all things Martial Arts. Their MMA Youtube channel as you might expect is professionally run with excellent content being put out on a regular basis. Videos vary between topics such as features on their students, instructors, vacation program, fighter highlights and career opportunities. However, it is their regular uploading of tutorials (tied in alongside their great Evolve University site/program) from their whole host of phenomenal coaches in MMA, Muay Thai, BJJ, Wrestling and much more that make this a stand out channel to subscribe to. Boasting an almost fantasy football style roster of instructors, these include videos from the likes of Ben Askrin, Shinya Aoki and Sam-A Gaiyanghadao to name but a few!!
Stuart Cooper Films
Most people from within the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will probably know the name Stuart Cooper. This world renowned film maker and Black belt has continuously put out some of THE best BJJ video content available on the internet today. His documentaries feature unique insights from some of the world's foremost athletes/coaches and his bug for travelling ensures he goes everywhere in the world to bring his viewers the most exclusive footage imaginable on his BJJ Youtube Channel!
BANGMuayThai.com is ran by top Kickboxing coach, former UFC fighter and all round legend of the combat sports world Duane 'Bang' Ludwig. His love of the Dutch Kickboxing system coupled with his unparalleled fighting experience have allowed him to put together an exceptional striking framework, which he both coaches at his gym (and associated affiliates) and puts online through his site at www.bangmuaythai.com! His Kickboxing Youtube channel is a brilliant resource for anyone interested in striking at the very highest level as he puts out regular tutorials and practical demonstrations with some of the excellent fighters based there (such as TJ Dillashaw).
Enter the Dojo Show
Enter the Dojo Show is possibly one of the only Youtube channels featured on this list that has as many mainstream fans as it does Martial Arts ones. The satirical, comedy based content is TV quality and it's regular uploading ensures millions of views follow weekly! Not only poking fun at the world of Martial Arts, the geniuses behind this series often tackle newsworthy items in their own unique style, delivering gem after gem of awesome videos!! Fans can book seminars, online classes and much, much more by visiting their website at www.enterthedojoshow.com
Stephan Kesting
Stephan Kesting is not only a truly excellent Brazilian Jitsu black belt and coach, he was also one of the trail blazers for delivering consistent, quality instructionals on Youtube at a time when resources such as these were very thin on the ground indeed. Having honed his skills for so long, his channel as you can probably imagine, is filled with exceptionally produced and well thought out content aimed at helping out all those wanting to improve their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! His site at www.grapplearts.com is literally filled with all sorts of fantastic content to take advantage of so make sure you check it out!!
Ross Enamait
I have been following Ross Enamait for a very long time! Way before I was ever really into Blogging, Youtube or filming, his PDF's and e-books on conditioning were texts I referred to for my own training on a regular basis. How people are not more aware of him and all his amazing content seems crazy to me. A true pioneer in the world of functional strength training and conditioning for Boxing/Combat sports, I don't have enough good things to say about him!! Check out his site at www.rosstraining.com to see even more of his work!
Alex Wong
Alex Wong is only someone I have discovered recently. I have to say that I find a lot of Taekwondo content on Youtube (and online in general if I am honest) to be a bit hit and miss. Miss Wong bucks the trend with this admirably though with her excellent Taekwondo Youtube channel as it is a constant producer of great content! Expect to see brilliant tutorials, sharp training footage and vlogs by subscribing to this fantastic Youtuber!
Knight Jiu Jitsu
Eli Knight is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and member of the Aperture Martial Arts Team. Regularly putting out super solid BJJ content including excellent tutorials for both Gi and No-Gi, this is an amazing resource for anyone interested in top end coaching! Click subscribe on this BJJ Youtube Channel today!
Yokkao Boxing
Yokkao are literally on top of the Muay Thai world right now with seemingly endless strings to their bow. Not content with running one of the biggest equipment companies in Thailand, they also either run or sponsor some of the best gyms in the world and organise phenomenal events with some of the strongest match making you are likely to ever come across. Their Muay Thai Youtube channel is filled with fights from these great events, amazing promos for their product range and some of the best training videos you will find online today from their featured gyms including fighters such as Muay Thai GOAT Saenchai. You can find out more about all that they have to offer at www.yokkao.com
Jesse Enkamp
Karate is not a Martial Art that is well catered for any more with regards to decent content online. Jesse Enkamp is a Swedish born practitioner who is seeking to ensure Karate gets the platform it deserves through both his Youtube channel and his excellent website at www.karatebyjesse.com. Having travelled extensively to Okinawa on repeated trips, his videos offer a very unique insight/perspective into the world of international Karate. A rare gem within the world of Martial Arts as most people don't often commit to exploring that which is not currently popular, subscribe to this great Karate Youtube Channel today!
Damien Trainor
Anyone that follows the Warrior Collective will know how much time I have personally spent with the UK based Muay Thai phenom! The former world champion and much sought after coach is a veritable encyclopaedia of all things striking related. His passions for Dutch Kickboxing and Muay Thai have ensured his style is a very high energy, attacking and clever intertwining blend of the two. All Damien's social media is worth following as he constantly puts out clips of his own coaching, tutorials and other things of interest on all platforms! You won't go far wrong from giving him a follow I can assure you!
Joseph Valtellini
Joseph Valtellini is a Glory Kickboxing world champion and expert coach hailing out of Canada. Alongside his professional fighting, he is also a well respected fight analyst for Glory. This blend of experience and skills has ensured his Kickboxing Youtube channel is crammed with awesome videos covering Kickboxing tutorials, fight breakdowns and insights into all that goes on behind the scenes in high level training/competition. The videos are all well put together and Joe's unique approach ensure each is well worthy of watching!
Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp
Anyone who has ever trained or even thought about training in Thailand will know of Tiger Muay Thai. The legendary Muay Thai gym based in Phuket has had about as huge a list of top fighters visiting it as potentially anywhere else in the world, including the likes of UFC Champion George St Pierre! This super gym, renowned for it's fight camps, is also now a massive brand in it's own right offering awesome apparel and online training through it's fantastic website at www.tigermuaythai.com. It's excellent Youtube channel is made up a widely eclectic mix of Martial Arts related content including documentaries, training, behind the scenes footage and tutorials. Amazing stuff!!
Joe Rogan
You know you are famous when you cross the boundaries separating you from your niche into the mainstream consciousness. That is exactly what has now happened with Joe Rogan. Clips featuring him on the Joe Rogan Experience are now part of popular culture and I am sure a lot of your non martial arts friends (or mumps as they are known in the industry ha ha) will have listened to or watched one of his many awesome podcasts. His Youtube channel is one of the biggest featured on this list and includes videos on a wide variety of subject matter with almost as eclectic a mix of individuals in which to discuss these topics with. Never boring, his videos will always make for amazing viewing!
Master Wong
At first glance Master Wong may come across as a slightly eccentric figure. Don't let that put you off, his loud personality and passionate views are the culmination of his long-standing love affair with the Martial Arts. The Wing Chun, JKD and Tai Chi expert has managed to marry his excellent coaching together into a format that has proved exceptionally popular online with even more of his instructionals available through his site at www.masterwongsystem.lpages.co. His videos garner a lot of views because they tackle problems and situations that resonate with us all. Couple this with his phenomenal ability to be entertaining whilst coaching and you have the perfect recipe for awesome content!
David Breed
David Breed is actually the person I know the best on this list as he was the Martial Arts instructor who first taught me when I was younger. If I have an obsessive approach to self development, technical perfection and coaching, a lot of this can firmly find it's roots from his teaching. A hugely popular and highly regarded figure within the UK Martial Arts scene, he really is a coaches coach. His instruction is second to none and technically is one of the best individuals I have ever had the pleasure to train or film with. He is a constant inspiration as he never settles, he is always striving to improve in every aspect of his life (he has been vegan for a long time and is one of the people I would listen to on any subject with regards to health/wellbeing). His Martial Arts Youtube channel is filled with exceptional tutorials covering all aspects of his martial arts system, including striking, grappling and self defence!
BJJ Scout
BJJ Scout is a BJJ Youtube channel that focuses primarily on combat sport breakdowns and analysis! What sets apart the content on here from many others is the clear intelligence behind the making of each video. It is one thing to offer an opinion on something but it is another thing entirely to be able to do this concisely whilst providing excellent insights into each chosen subject. If Youtube channels had awards for critical acclaim then I am sure this one would most definitely be in the running to win, an amazing resource!!
Glory Kickboxing
I have been travelling over to Holland regularly since being a young child so the Dutch Kickboxing style is something I feel a real kinship with. Glory has emerged over the past few years to take over completely after K1 collapsed and become the dominant force within Global Kickboxing. Their events are second to none for amazing match ups, strong production values and consistency in trying to push the sport ever further forwards across the entire world. Most Elite Kickboxers and even some Muay Thai fighters from across the globe now see Glory as being the premier platform to compete on in order to try and become a highly respected world champion. Their Kickboxing Youtube channel is filled with awesome fights from their events, highlight reels, fighter videos and behind the scenes videos giving exclusive access to their fantastic brand. Their website www.glorykickboxing.com is also crammed with even more of their excellent content so make sure you check it out as well!!
Muay Ties
Muay Ties is something of a hidden treasure on Youtube. Although it is already popular and has a lot of subscribers, I can't help but think it deserves a lot more given the phenomenal content it churns out for it's viewers free of charge each week on a regular basis. Essentially, this amazing Muay Thai Youtube Channel puts up fights from each of the major Muay Thai stadiums in Thailand as and when they happen. The quality is exceptional and the sheer volume put up will be more than enough to satisfy even the most ardent of Thai Boxing fans. If you are not already on this, go now, subscribe, that is all!!!
Fight Science
Fight Science is one of those rare Youtube channels in that it draws fans from a multitude of different martial arts/combat sports to it's door. From it's Wing Chun base it has expanded into covering aspects from other systems including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA. Highly relevant subject matter focusing on a whole range of martial arts related topics including self defence, fight breakdowns, mental training, tactical observation/planning and much, much more. Not only are the production values high throughout, the thought that goes into each video is clear for all to see! Check out the website at www.londonwingchun.co.uk for even more details on all they have to offer!!
Muay Thai Muppets
I have to admit, the Muay Thai Muppets are most predominately known on their other social media (instagram for one) but they do update all their content onto their Muay Thai Youtube Channel, which is why I am including them in this list. Ran by Jason Woodham and Ziggy Darwish, they put out a lot of very awesome content in the shape of Muay Thai tutorials, training footage and behind the scenes exclusives from each of the events they are involved with. Their ability to be entertaining whilst delivering great videos will ensure these guys will convert first time watchers into subscribed fans every time!
One Championship
The Asian based MMA promotion continues to go from strength to strength globally as it consistently puts on amazing events, pushes the sport ever further forward in every country it works in and takes a genuine approach to making peoples lives better. I am a huge fan of One Championship as I am sure most people who love MMA are. They are phenomenal match makers and can be counted on to always put 110% into every event they run. This though is not my main reason for being such a big supporter. Behind the scenes they put a lot of work into helping promote the growth of MMA in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. This investment of time and money is helping to change the lives of countless people across the poorest parts of Asia who may well have not had before the opportunities this presents to escape poverty. If you want to subscribe to a MMA Youtube Channel that has fantastic fights, interviews, behind the scenes exclusive content and an ethos that is firmly entrenched in making a difference, you know what to do!!!
Funk MMA
Funk is a man on a mission! He absolutely loves fitness, conditioning and ensuring his watchers are motivated to be in the best shape of their lives. This Youtube Channel is literally crammed with all manner of different exercises, training workouts, nutritional advice, motivation and much more! You only need to look at Funk to know that what he is doing works, the man is in seriously good shape. Hugely popular across the fitness world, his experience within the martial arts arena though is what allows him great insights into the kind of programs that will most benefit athletes/fighters/practitioners from the world of combat sports. He also has some excellent online training at www.funkMMA.com you can take advantage of should you wish to go even more funky!!
Precision Boxing
Jason Van Veldhuysen is the very talented man behind the Boxing Youtube Channel Precision Boxing. As the name suggests, the content put out by this Youtuber is Boxing orientated. Suitable for all levels from absolute novice up to seasoned fighter or coach, the level of detail gone into on his videos is amazing. Covering topics that you did not even realise you wanted to know about in the sweet science, you will be sure to find a vast array of excellent tutorials, fight breakdowns, training advice and all manner of other fantastic content here!
Tristar Gym
Tristar Gym is a world renowned MMA gym in Canada boasting the likes of George St Pierre and Kenny Florian as elite fighters making their home there. Their MMA Youtube Channel is led (as is the gym) by head coach Firas Zahabi whom regularly posts up videos containing excellent tutorials, training footage, fight breakdowns and his personal perspective on a whole range of different martial arts related topics. The depth of experience within this gym ensures that all the content put out is well worth watching and make this a must subscribe to channel!
Who does not know about the UFC in today’s modern society? Regularly now taking the place in many mump’s (non martial arts folk terminology ha ha) sentences of enquiry ie “Do you train in UFC?”. It is hard to separate the rise of MMA as we know it today from the über promotion and nor should we try to. Their MMA Youtube channel is, as you would expect, a very professional and polished affair offering an incredible assortment of fight videos, interviews, mini-docs and exclusive behind the scenes content across the board. An incredible back catalogue ensures you could get very lost (happily I might add) wading through all the amazing stuff to be found here! But you already know that don’t you?
Keenan Cornelius
Keenan Cornelius is an amazing example of how Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has grown and evolved. Penned as one of the most talented practitioners of his generation, the Hawaiian born black belt is a hugely accomplished athlete. His achievements and experience coupled together with his phenomenal coaching ability mean that all of his videos are filled with the BJJ equivalents of gold dust, details and insights that are only earned through a journey such as his. You can find his complete framework and approach to training online through his website at www.keenanonline.com, check it out!
Lawrence Kenshin
Now and again you come across a website, product, or in this case, Youtube Channel that you never realised you needed in your life. Lawrence Kenshin’s striking breakdowns is one such awesome find. Focusing completely on the breakdowns/analytical aspects of fights, fighters and tactics, this is a hugely thought provoking resource. Like a magician that shows you how they performed their favourite trick, most of his videos utilise a step by step narrative seeking to educate the viewer on the hows and whys to which athletes (consciously or unconsciously) do what they do at any given time. There is good reason this resource is well thought of by fighters and coaches alike, it reinforces the aim to be analytical as a reliable framework for success in competition.
Chloe Bruce
Chloe is another of those individuals that you will be sure to recognise without possibly knowing her name. A long time incumbent on many an epic win or awesome human video, she is one of the most uniquely gifted martial artists of her generation. Highly sought after in the world of film, TV and stunt work, she is capable of the kind of athleticism that makes people gasp in amazement. I have known Chole for a long time now and have had the pleasure of watching her both perform and coach others. Her Martial Arts Youtube Channel is crammed with some of the most phenomenal training/highlight reels you are likely to come across, excellent tutorials and up to date vlogs detailing all the exciting projects she is currently involved in. An awesome individual inside and out!!
Mindsmash is unlike most other Youtube Channels featured on this list. It is obviously all Martial Arts related content but it comes across as the work of someone who is not only passionately in love with the whole combat sports world (particularly MMA) but also of someone who is both a bit of a geek (anime, film and popular culture references aplenty), which is never a bad thing, and someone who is very current/modern in respect to his editing/film making. This channel is one of the most arty looking you will come across in the Martial Arts niche but don't let that mislead you, this hugely popular channel has real substance at it's core, excellent subject matter produced in it's own very unique style. Real insights into a a wide range of topics make this another must subscribe to channel!!
Muay Thai Scholar
Muay Thai Scholar is a Youtube Channel dedicated to all that is Muay Thai related. Aaron Jahn, the man behind the excellent content, is not only a great Muay Thai athlete and coach in his own right but also, as can be garnered from visiting his website at www.muaythaischolar.com or watching any of his videos, about as big a super fan of the art as it is possible to get. Through what must be hours and hours of research on his part, he constantly puts out awesome highlights of the best fighters from around the world, articles/blogs on the best destinations to train at, training/nutritional advice and much, much more. Already with many fans due to the quality of his work, I am sure this is one Youtuber you are to be seeing much more of going forward!
Expert Boxing
Expert Boxing has well over 25 million views on Youtube. You don't get this many views on a training resource based channel without doing something very right indeed! I am a huge fan of both the content put on this channel as well as that which can be found on the website at www.expertboxing.com as I love the fact that all the videos have written articles that correlate with them. I am a big reader and I find that I learn things better through a combination of video and text as opposed to just one or the other so this style of content creation is one that I get behind totally. Combine this with the fact that all the topics covered are not only highly relevant but also brilliantly produced and you have a phenomenal resource to bookmark. Trust me, this is one you are going to find yourself returning to often!
Kurt Osiander
Kurt Osiander is a big character and an even bigger BJJ expert. In his own words, he likes to show you where you 'f**ked up' in training by delivering awesome video tutorials detailing all aspects of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu system. If you have not already seen it, I would highly recommend watching Stuart Cooper's (of Stuart Cooper Films fame as detailed above in this list) excellent documentary on Kurt here to get more of an insight into just how brilliant he is! It is worth subscribing to his BJJ Youtube Channel just to hear him speak. The fact that his instruction is also amazing is possibly the bonus here, love his work!!
Sean Fagan
There are some people in life who are known for what they do more than by their actual name. Sean Fagan is defiantly one of those special individuals. His blog at www.muay-thai-guy.com is world renowned for being one of the biggest/best in Martial Arts. I am not sure where he gets his energy but apart from being a professional Muay Thai fighter and blogger, he also travels extensively, runs training camps in Thailand and is one of the founders behind Nak Muay Nation (digital online content for all things Muay Thai). Sean's Muay Thai Youtube Channel is filled with videos such as tutorials, training footage, life in Thailand and a whole other assortment of great things he gets to see on his travels.
Yoga for BJJ
I have to say, I am a massive fan of Yoga. I think it is one of the best things any athlete can do on a regular basis as a side aspect to whatever else they are training for their particular sport/art. Sebastian Brosche is the man behind this excellent Youtube Channel, which puts out regular videos covering Yoga routines, BJJ Drills/Tutorials, Injury rehabilitation methods and much more. Although aimed specifically at those from grappling sports, his work is still more than applicable for any one training in Martial Arts. His great site at www.yogaforbjj.net is crammed with a whole assortment of content that you can take advantage of!
Polaris Professional Jiu Jitsu Invitational
Although striking based systems have a whole host of amazing promotions/events that they can compete under, the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Grappling is still limited to a smaller group that act as a world class platform from which they can showcase their talent. Fortunately, Polaris is one of them. Founded by the amazing teams at both Scramble and Tatami Fight Wear, this internationally renowned event series now plays host to some of the best grapplers in the world. This BJJ Youtube Channel is filled with great matches from their events, training footage, behind the scenes videos, interviews and a wide mix of exclusive content featuring a phenomenal array of outstanding BJJ athletes.
Nick Albin is the man behind this phenomenal BJJ Youtube Channel. As the tagline states "Chewjitsu is dedicated to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Grappling and how to improve our training and lifestyle on and off the mat." Aside from the enormous amount of excellent tutorials to be found here, you may possibly get the most out of listening to Nick's many videos featuring him debating as large amount of BJJ related questions, problems and ponderings as you are likely to come across anywhere!! Highly knowledgeable and entertaining, he really does just come across as a guy you would love to hang out with (and no doubt train ha ha). The kind of channel you can get really sucked into, you are going to love subscribing to this one!! You can also pick up a free copy of his great e-book from his site at www.chewjitsu.net!
MAX Muay Thai
MAX Muay Thai is a bit like Thailand Vs the rest of the world! I love it just for that reason alone. If you have not yet come across this amazing Muay Thai promotion, they run two different events as part of their ongoing series, the first is their 4 man tournaments, which are one day events featuring elite fighters going though knock out stages to be crowned MAX world champion. The second is what they refer to as MAX ultimate, where they bring fighters from around the world to Thailand to compete against the every best home grown talent to be found there. Excited yet? You should be, their Muay Thai Youtube Channel plays host to full fights, highlights and other exclusive content from each of the events they run! Get on it today for your share of Muay Thai mayhem!
I find myself as a big fan and supporter of Enfusion for a whole host of reasons. This Dutch based promotion seems to excel at finding amazing talent globally and is not afraid to get them matched up, no matter whether they are up and coming or current world champions. This makes for explosive events filled with awesome fights. They run reality based shows in Thailand to find/sponsor the stars of tomorrow and host events in the middle east offering insane amounts of money as prizes (100,000 Euros anyone?). If that was not enough, they also use people I rate very highly indeed to host and commentate on their shows (British born former world champion Julie Kitchen and mind coach to elite fighters Vinny Shoreman). Subscribe to this Dutch Kickboxing Youtube Channel and you can expect to be watching fights, interviews, training footage and any other cool piece of content they can throw at you!
Fighting Films
Fighting Films are a legendary UK based brand that provide Gi's to a huge number of the world's best Olympic Judoka. Their website at www.fightingfilms.com is literally filled with everything Judo. From equipment, apparel and matting through to books, DVD's and downloadable tuition, they like to cover their bases alright! Their Judo Youtube Channel has a whole host of phenomenal Judo tutorials, training footage and competition matches on it so if throwing people around is your thing, you are gonna love this one!!
Bellator MMA
Bellator MMA built up it's huge fan base off the back of it's now renowned Grand Prix Tournament format. It is now one of the biggest and most popular MMA promotions in the world, signing up a whole heap of some of the most exciting fighters to be found globally! Some insanely crazy match making at times has led to some of the best MMA fights of recent years to have taken place under it's banner. As you would expect then, it's MMA Youtube Channel is cram packed with fights, highlights, promos, exclusive behind the scenes footage and anything else that has take place at one of their many brilliant events!
ACB League
ACB is possibly the youngest promotion featured on this list but it has come a long way in a very short period of time. The Russian backed brand has thrown money at globalising it's MMA events across a wide range of countries quickly and this has paid off massively for them. Having tapped into what seems like an endless supply of Eastern Bloc talent, they are putting on great shows and signing up elite fighters left, right and centre. Their MMA Youtube Channel gets most of their fights uploaded onto it as well as a large amount of interviews, promos and behind the scenes footage so will make for an awesome addition to any subscribers list!!
Kit Dale
Kit Dale is renowned in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for having made the journey to black belt in a very short time indeed (4 years to be precise). He has a very unique approach to training/coaching BJJ in that his ethos is firmly centred in the need for less drilling and more time being spent on training the mind (or mental memory as he eloquently puts it), which flies against how a lot of traditional schools/instructors normally teach. Excellent tutorials can be found on his BJJ Youtube Channel as well as on his website at www.kitdaletraining.com but it is not just these you should be taking advantage of. In order to understand his concepts fully you really need to listen to his in-depth videos on how he views training in general and the importance (as mentioned earlier) of the correct mindset towards developing the mind for maximum success on the mats!
Bas Rutten
Who in the world of Martial Arts has not heard of Bas Rutten? The legendary Dutch fighter seems to have been around forever and that can only be a good thing. A hugely popular figure, he transitioned brilliantly into his other chosen roles of coaching, presenting and acting whilst managing to remain a very funny, awesome individual. Although they are not on his Youtube Channel, his old videos on bar room self defence are still amongst my favourites today! What is on there though is an excellent mixture of tutorials, excerpts from his phenomenal past combination workout CD/DVD's, footage from his shows and just a load of Bas related brilliantness!! How you can not subscribe to this man I ask you??
Ginger Ninja Trickster
Aaron Gassor is the man behind the phenomenally successful Ginger Ninja Trickster Taekwondo Youtube Channel. An amazingly gifted Taekwondo black belt, I love the fact he has grown massive just by being himself in front of the camera doing what he enjoys doing. Tricking, parkour and freerunning can all be found hand in hand with his more traditional martial arts related content and it works brilliantly. He has adopted costumes and a whole host of other aspects into his videos, which has made him a standout for a long time. If you have kids, I am sure they will really love Aaron, he has some great stuff they would really enjoy. Loads of excellent tutorials, crazy footage wearing costumes tricking, collaborations with other Youtubers and vlogging style videos can be found here!
Hyper Martial Arts is a movement in it's own right as well being a globally recognised brand. Putting Tricking at the forefront, it seeks to bring together athletes from around the world who are interested in kata/forms, acrobatics and stunt work. Hugely popular with the young Martial Artists who passionately follow it's work, Hyper also links in with other disciplines within it's programs including MMA, Karate and Kickboxing. Often featuring well known athletes/coaches from a wide range of different disciplines including Duke Roufas and John Hackleman, this Tricking Youtube Channel can put out great alternate content that people might not expect from them. Tutorials, battles, interviews and videos looking to promote positive change in the world can be found on here!
DK Yoo is someone you may have seen but not actually know the name of, having been on a number of viral videos over the past few years demonstrating some very fast hands indeed. Flying under his own banner Warfare Combat System, he coaches around the world both physical self defence combatives and his own system for increasing explosiveness whilst minimising wasted movement or energy. A very unique individual, people either love him or they hate him it would seem. He polarises views with both his methods and the way in which he delivers them. Crazily popular with sell out seminars everywhere, I would definitely suggest you watch a few and make your own mind up. I kinda like him!!
Shane Fazen seems to have the blue print for creating a massively successful Martial Arts Youtube Channel. The young martial artist, blogger and Youtuber has one of the most popular featured on this list. He genuinely never seems to run out of ideas for content people love to watch and is constantly posting great videos on a whole manner of different topics. Completely at ease in front of the camera, his easygoing presenting style in combination with his martial arts skill and passion means he garners hundreds of thousands of views each week. Expect some excellent tutorials, training footage, videos featuring high level fighters/coaches and vlogs detailing the challenges he sets himself on a regular basis if you click subscribe today!!
K1 Anoop
K1 Anoop is probably a Martial Arts Youtube Channel you have not yet come across. I want to change all that! The British based host is insanely crazy about all things Martial Arts related and follows a whole host of scenes (including Kickboxing, MMA and Muay Thai to name but a few) very closely indeed. He spends his time chasing down some of the most well known names in the fight game today to interview and ask the questions we all want to know the answers to. I love people that are passionate about what they do and that is exactly how all his content comes across, as someone who is just a big a fan of the combat sports as you are, if not bigger!! Expect a lot of great interviews, behind the scenes footage and mini documentaries when you add this Channel to your list!!
BAMMA is a British based MMA promotion that is hugely popular across the world. With a roster filled with exciting talent and consistently high production values, their events are always worth tuning into. I find BAMMA really easy to watch as it is well filmed and has a solid team throughout. Their MMA Youtube Channel has masses of great fights on there intermixed with behind the scenes footage, interviews and promos from all of their events. A definite strong addition to anyone's 'subscribed to' list!
Phew, there you go, that tops off my chosen 50 Martial Arts Youtube Channels, I hope you enjoyed the list and found it useful! What do you think of those featured, have you watched any before? Do you have any suggestions for great ones I might have missed??
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Warrior Marketplace
You can find full length Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing and MMA Instructionals to download today from the Warrior Marketplace.
Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed reading this article on 50 Great Martial Arts Channels you NEED to subscribe to today, please like, share and don't forget to subscribe to the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel for great training videos each week!!
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