The Ultimate Guide to becoming a Sponsored Athlete in Combat Sports
The Ultimate Guide to becoming a Sponsored Athlete in Combat Sports
What do you look for in fighters/athletes to sponsor?
Why do you personally sponsor fighters/athletes, what do you expect back from them?
What can fighters/athletes do to make themselves more attractive to sponsors?
Where do fighters/athletes go wrong when seeking sponsorship?
Can you give me an example of how you came to sponsor one of your current top level fighters/athletes?
What would your best advice be to any fighter/athlete looking to become sponsored?
What myths around sponsorship would you like to dispel?
Tom Barlow - Scramble Sponsored Athlete
Was it difficult becoming a sponsored BJJ athlete?
What difference does it make to you being sponsored?
It’s been hugely beneficial to my career. Aside from the financial benefits (i.e. not having to pay for equipment, apparel, or competition fees), my sponsors have also elevated my profile within the community. This has allowed me have far more opportunities than I would have had without them.
How did you get to be sponsored?
I try to build positive relationships with people throughout the BJJ community. I’ve also been at the forefront of British BJJ as it has grown, which has given me a lot of visibility in the sport as well. I connected with Scramble back when they were a very small company, and since I believed in their vision and their abilities, I accepted sponsorship with them and have stayed with them for most of my career.
What are the common misconceptions other people have about you being a sponsored athlete?
Probably the biggest misconception I hear is that a sponsor will make all your Jiu Jitsu dreams come true, and that if you get a sponsor, you will be able to give up your job and train full time. Being a full time athlete is very difficult, and takes a lot of time, energy, and investment. You might even have to move to one of the larger schools to train if you want to be a full-time, professional athlete.
What would be your best advice be to a young aspiring athlete in order to gain sponsors?
The first thing to understand is that sponsorship is a two-way street. By that, I mean that a sponsored athlete should be doing as much for their sponsor as the sponsor does for the athlete. You need to be actively working on developing your profile within the community and helping your sponsor reach more eyeballs.
This can happen in a lot of different ways, not only competition— but obviously, successful competitive athletes have a much easier time finding sponsorship.
You can get in touch with Tom here through his Website, Facebook or Instagram for further information on him and all the excellent projects he is involved with!
What do you look for in fighters/athletes to sponsor?
We are looking for an interesting fighter/athlete or fight/event which can offer nice visibility to the brand.
Why do you personally sponsor fighters/athletes, what do you expect back from them?
When we do one shot deal sponsorship, we have some criteria: the fight must be on a major show, the show must be televised and the fight must be on the main/televised card.
A sponsorship deal is a 2 way partnership. We will support the athlete, and in return, he will promote the brand.
What can fighters/athletes do to make themselves more attractive to sponsors?
We only consider pro athlete for sponsorship programs, so their fight records is important. If they have a nice following fan base on social media, it’s a +.
Where do fighters/athletes go wrong when seeking sponsorship?
Most of the requests received are incomplete. Some people don’t even mention their names, or even their discipline. It’s is really hard then to be able to give them a proper reply.
Can you give me an example of how you came to sponsor one of your current top level fighters/athletes?
Usually we have some target names. We will then contact them and see if they are available for sponsorship. If they are, then we start the negotiations.
What would your best advice be to any fighter/athlete looking to become sponsored?
When you send your sponsorship request, please remember to give you’re the necessary information for our consideration (name, age, fight records/ranking, and social media accounts)
What myths around sponsorship would you like to dispel?
It is not all glamorous and there is a lot of hard work behind each deal
Christi Brereton - Venum Sponsored Fighter
The shorts in question were the ones I wore for all my fights and training sessions. I remember binning them after my WPMF title win for the Kings birthday celebration in Bangkok Thailand 2007, when I had just turned 15 years old. The shorts were hanging by that point as I am sure you can imagine!
From then on I managed to pick up little sponsor gifts or donations from small businesses here and there. One paid towards private extra maths tuition as I was struggling with my maths GCSE at the time.
I didn't have a structure for myself and no training regime as there was no one to coach me. I threw myself into things that I shouldn't have done, for example, putting myself into a fight even though I wasn't training for it. You can imagine the result....
Then, my students and I went to an interclub and I bumped into a man called Steve (who is now my coach and partner ). I travelled to Cornwall to his gym for training, had a few more fights and found myself back on the right track. I approached some potential sponsors at the time but was pushed back - which confused me as to why? As I was a young, world champion.Fast forward, Steve and I developed a strong relationship and moved to Okehampton where I have my family. After staring a gym together I became pregnant with my daughter 2011-12, so I didn't return to fighting until 2013.
In 2013 my first fight back was on Enfusion. This wasn't meant to be the first as I had a bout booked in a month before but my oponent pulled out the day before my scheduled fight. Not wanting to wait I took the fight opportunity even though there was a large weight advantage favouring my oponent and rule set different to what I was used to.
I lost on points but my determination was there. After that I went on to win the WBC National title before taking the UK Number 1 -55kg spot from the current reigning 5x World champion Alexis Rufus. From this point on I felt a stronger and more mature young woman. As I was only 20 years old, it felt like just the beginning, so I went on!
I haven't stopped training since 2013 and have taken fight opportunities whenever they have arisen. I have had opportunities to travel across the world including destinations such as Malaysia, Thailand, USA and China. I became Roar Combat league World Champion in 2016 competing against international opponents and have defended my belt 3 times.
I can only describe my journey so far as a stormy sea voyage. One minute you're up, and then the next, you're down, doors close as others open. You just have to keep plugging on towards your goals, whilst putting all your time and dedication into training. Present yourself how you want to be seen and think which audience is going to be looking up at you.
Over the 6 years Steve and I have been running the gym Team Chaos, we have coached over 15 young athletes to becoming champions. Our gym feels like a family, we have met so many friends along the way and have great memories.
In terms of sponsorship, over the past few years I have started building a portfolio of professional images (I am very lucky that my cousin Fred Wonnacott is a Photographer so was able to get some amazing shots from him) in order to help build a profile.
Last year I was lucky to become a sponsored athlete and ambassador for Venum. I am very grateful to the Venum team for recognising my achievements and years of hard work.
There's no easy route, all I can give you is my story and the advice to keep working hard for whatever you dream of. Opportunities will arise when you least expect them, storms eventually clear and waters will be calm once more! Don't give up, stay ready
What do you look for in fighters/athletes to sponsor?
What can fighters/athletes do to make themselves more attractive to sponsors?
Where do fighters/athletes go wrong when seeking sponsorship?
Can you give me an example of how you came to sponsor one of your current top level fighters/athletes?
What myths around sponsorship would you like to dispel?
What would your best advice be to any fighter/athlete looking to become sponsored?
- Get management
- Keep professional social media
- Be a professional in everything you do
- Develop a relationship with the brands you are interested in being sponsored by i.e. don’t use Fairtex and then go knocking on Rival hoping for their endorsement
- Build your following
- Work hard in training and on your competitive career
- Don’t act entitled. Don’t assume everyone wants to sponsor you
- Create a relationship with the brand. Be there for them as much as you want them to be there for you
You can get in touch with Revgear here through their Website, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for further information on their amazing brand and excellent range of products!
John Wayne Parr - Monster Sponsored Fighter
Was it difficult becoming a sponsored fighter?
What difference does it make to you being sponsored?
How did you get to be sponsored?
What are the common misconceptions other people have about you being a sponsored fighter?
What would be your best advice be to a young aspiring fighter in order to gain sponsors?
What do you look for in fighters/athletes to sponsor?
Why do you personally sponsor fighters/athletes, what do you expect back from them?
What can fighters/athletes do to make themselves more attractive to sponsors?
Where do fighters/athletes go wrong when seeking sponsorship?
Can you give me an example of how you came to sponsor one of your current top level fighters/athletes?
Colin Fletcher, through a friend’s introduction. Excellent profile and return and willingness to help support the brand.
What would your best advice be to any fighter/athlete looking to become sponsored?
Clearly identify what exposure and evidence of that exposure eg number of followers, what are you looking for eg specific items/branding, and a clear explanation of how that is good value to the sponsor. The sponsor has many options to calculate a return on its marketing budget.
What myths around sponsorship would you like to dispel?
That all sponsorship represents a value of return
Liam Harrison - Yokkao Sponsored Fighter
Was it difficult becoming a sponsored fighter?
What difference does it make to you being sponsored?
How did you get to be sponsored?
What are the common misconceptions other people have about you being a sponsored fighter?

What would be your best advice be to a young aspiring fighter in order to gain sponsors?

While the sponsoree (property being sponsored) may be nonprofit, unlike philanthropy, sponsorship is done with the expectation of a commercial return.
While sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase, it is different from advertising. Unlike advertising, sponsorship can not communicate specific product attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires support elements.
- It may seem like common sense but it needs stating. Becoming a sponsored athlete means you need to be an actual athlete to begin with. You cannot have just trained for 6 months in a beginners martial arts class and expect to fall into this bracket.
- Training is the foundation of your potential in every respect. Talent is developed through the accumulation of hours spent honing your sport so make sure you commit to this weekly endeavour above all else.
- Compete as often as possible. Obviously this will depend on the sport you train in, the physical demands it places upon you and any constraints that affect this, but get out there and be seen.
- If you are just starting out, don't rush. Work your way up through the system i.e. have multiple fights at inter club/Novice level, compete in the white belt, beginners categories etc. If you are already experienced/high level, target the bigger competitions/events for maximum exposure and more high profile scalps, medals and titles.
- Community. Get to know relevant people in the industry as well as those in your local area. Be nice, engaging and remain humble. Help others as much as possible. Gain the respect of the communities you are a part of.
- Social Media. Set up athletes pages/accounts on social media you will enjoy keeping on top of. For example, there is no point having twitter if you are not going to use it. Consistency is key.
- Sell Tickets. If you are a fighter looking to progress onto big shows, there is no getting away from this. You have to promote yourself constantly in order to develop a regular following who support you at each event.
- Support. Make sure you support others in your gym/team in person and online. Don't be afraid to be vocal when being positive about anyone or anything. Just ensure you do not post or say anything so negative that it paints you in a bad light. What goes on the internet often stays on the internet.
- Find your voice. Everyone is different but if you are wanting to gain sponsors and become one of the world's most sought after athletes, you need to figure this out. Saying nothing or avoiding the spotlight glare unfortunately does little to further an individual in modern times.
- What is your USP (unique selling point) to a potential sponsor? If you are a young female Judoka then the demographic you are going to appeal to is going to be vastly different to an older male Boxer. This should be one of your main considerations before approaching or aiming to get into any relationship with a sponsor.
- You have to become a role model in every area of your life. Sponsors are looking for people to essentially be an ambassador for their brand so you need to bear that in mind when interacting with others online or in person. Many is the athlete who has lost their sponsors with an ill thought out tweet or quoted insult in an interview.
Reality/What do you want
- Reality. As stated on numerous occasions in the interviews above, you should not expect vast sums of money (unless you are literally one of the best in the world in your particular discipline) off the bat with any potential sponsor.
- Have an understanding of what exactly it is you want from each sponsor you approach. If they produce custom gum shields then it would obviously make sense to ask for one for use in training as opposed to asking for money to buy alternate equipment.
Relationship/ROI/Small local/large national
- Relationship. Most long term sponsored athletes have grown what they receive from the brands they work with from having developed a good relationship with them. This means you have to put work in to make it a success. Be polite, professional and do more than what is expected.
- ROI (Return on Investment) - Have an understanding of what they are looking for as a return on sponsoring you. This might be mentioning their brand on your social media posts, wearing their apparel when training/competing or attending any events they put on. Be creative and come up with your own ideas as to how you can help promote their brand in return for the sponsorship.
- Small sport specific brands or local businesses are often easier to speak to in the initial stages. Local businesses run by people you already know or that are based in your area are your strongest chances for gaining monetary support to begin with. Smaller sport specific brands or those just launching are often keen to get their products out so will usually be amenable for product sponsorship i.e. send you whatever it is they sell for you to use.
- Large brands obviously have the bigger pockets when it comes to sponsorship but they also usually tend to have a higher list of demands and boxes that you would need to tick in order to gain their support. It is only usually worth approaching them when you have a substantial list of achievements and/or relevant social media following.
Social Funding
- There are now in existence social funding sites such as gofundme and gogetfunding which have been widely utilised by some athletes as a means to get the necessary support in which to compete etc. Unfortunately though, through their overuse by people after money for all and sundry, they are now heavily stigmatised against in some areas (especially if those in your particular community think that you have not earned this privilege i.e. white belt wanting funding to go to a world level BJJ tournament).
- These can prove to be a good one off method to gain some monetary support for a particular competition or event but it is doubtful they would be a good idea for anything ongoing or long term.
Media Pack
- Media Pack. A media pack is a document that outlines the key facts and statistics about you as an athlete. Generally, a media kit is given to potential sponsors or brands that you want to approach. It lets them know all about your achievements, your sport, what your aims are and how large your social media following is.
- If you want to approach a brand re sponsorship, you should definitely have a media pack ready to send. Not only does it make you look professional, but it also shows a potential sponsor why they should work with you (although this would need to be attached alongside a more personalised covering letter outlining what the brand's ROI would be and a more in-depth Bio).
- Here is a link to mine as an example (although bear in mind that it is written as a blogger and not an athlete)
Research/Contact/look for synergy
- Synergy. It is mentioned earlier on in this post but it is important to look for some kind of synergy and connection between yourself as an athlete and any potential company or brand you wish to gain as a sponsor. For example, it is virtually impossible to conceive that a baby food company would sponsor a tennis player, given that there is likely no correlation whatsoever (unless of course that tennis player is also a well known mother of 3).
- Connections would come in the form of a personal relationship or shared location (as mentioned in the local business section above). Synergy is all about hitting the same demographics or audience as the brand you want to partner with.
- Once you understand this, you need to research and build a list of potential brands, companies and contacts you can get in touch with regarding potential sponsorship.
Network/Be genuine
- Network. From a professional point of view, networking is one of the key ways a lot of athletes end up with the very best sponsors. When at competitions look out for key industry figures to introduce yourself to, attend events such as Body Power to try and speak to different brands in person, interact positively with the social media of relevant brands on a consistent basis and always be on the lookout to promote any you want to work with in a positive light i.e. use their equipment and let people know that you do.
- Being genuine. It is a difficult line to tread trying to stay genuine whilst wanting to promote yourself, network or build relationships for sponsorships but it is one you need to get right. No one wants to be involved with a self absorbed narcissist, especially not a successful brand or company who has their choice of potential athletes to work with.
Don’t give up
- Although hard not to take rejection to heart, you really must not take it personally. You are very likely to get rejected a lot before you ever find a suitable brand or company to sponsor you as an athlete.
- Remember why you are an athlete, you are doing it because of your love of the sport and your desire to be the best version of yourself that you can. Your worth is not determined by how many sponsors you have.
- Keep going, don't give up! Just as in competition, success comes to those that don't stop pushing to reach the goals they have set themselves!!
I hope you have enjoyed this Ultimate Guide to becoming a Sponsored Athlete in Combat Sports! Have you found it useful? Do you think there are any important tips or points of view that I have missed off? Let me know what you think in the comments below!!
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