"We Bring The Fight" Dutch Kickboxing Documentary
"We Bring The Fight" - Dutch Kickboxing Documentary
As anyone who follows this blog or the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel should be aware of by now, I have something of a soft spot for the Netherlands! I filmed this Dutch Kickboxing documentary over the course of 10 days I spent there in early 2016. I travelled to a selection of some of the best gyms and spent time with an assortment of some of the most experienced coaches/fighters who reside there in order to put this together. What did I set out to achieve? Well, I wanted to get behind the scenes and film in the gyms instead of just being another cameraman at the events recording the fights. I wanted to try and get some insights into what makes Dutch Kickboxing "Dutch" if that makes any sense. Surprisingly, there is actually not a lot of information online about this subject so if you have any interest at all in this topic then I hope you find this video of interest!
Holland is a fantastic country to visit for anyone, irrespective of whether you have a passion for Martial Arts or not. However, if like me you seek out the best places to train and the best coaches to work with on your Kickboxing or striking skills, then you will not be disappointed. The gyms featured in this Dutch Kickboxing documentary are all ones I would recommend to visit for anyone looking to train with some of the best in the world. For further information on this subject, check out my blog post on 10 of the Best Dutch Kickboxing Gyms to visit in 2018!
This film would not have been possible without help from the following and to them all I offer my huge gratitude for their time/hospitality;
Obviously, this not what I view as a definitive piece of work. As a individual filmmaker travelling on his own there is a limit to what I can capture and put together. As with most of my other work, I do believe there could be a greater video put together on this subject and I genuinely hope there is one done in the future. For now however I hope you enjoy this Dutch Kickboxing documentary, find it insightful and interesting to watch. Please do take the time to let me know what you think in the comments section below and if you like it, give it a share!! Thanks for taking the time to watch!!
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