100 Top Solo Training Workouts
We are living in crazy times. The recent Coronavirus outbreak has greatly affected and altered the lives of millions of people around the world. The closing of gyms and enforced isolation has led us all to having to adapt our normal training regimes to incorporate a lot more solo training workouts with little to no equipment. Those of us fortunate to have family members who can train with us or those who have access to pads, hanging bags etc are obviously in a slightly better position but with a little thought everyone can change methods to suit their particular needs/circumstances.
I obviously have a few personal go-to training routines that I am going to go through myself below but I also figured it would be cool to ask some of the world’s leading combat sports/martial arts coaches and athletes for their favourites as well. I know you have time on your hands at the moment and it is a good job because I reached out to a whole lot of people to put this comprehensive blog post together ha ha!! You are no doubt going to recognise (and if not, learn about) a whole host of awesome individuals below. The Martial Arts community is an outstanding one and providing a platform for everyone to come together to share their experience and knowledge is exactly what I created the Warrior Collective for! Enjoy, take inspiration, stay safe and keep training hard!!!
(I have been live streaming a lot recently and I am going to start this post off with the same things I would say when I begin coaching online. Make sure you have a safe space to train in prior to working out. As most of you are no longer in purpose built gyms or being monitored by experienced coaches, you must ensure there are no hazards in your environment and that you are not risking injury to yourself or others with any movement or exercise. Keep a drink close by and stay hydrated. Warm up adequately before jumping into any intense routines. Use common sense and do not attempt anything you are not confident with. Have fun and train hard but remember, your safety, health and well-being are the biggest priorities).
Order of Coaches/Athletes Workouts/Routines/Tips:
Stuart Tomlinson
Ok, I am going to kick this off myself! I am actually a big fan of solo training as I enjoy shadow boxing/fresh air technical work, bag work and body conditioning routines/circuits. I also think they are a great way to work when you do not have a training partner or coach. I have included a video below showing 5 different ones but I will also write them out as well
Workout 1
3 / 5 rounds of 2 or 3 minute Freestyle shadow boxing
3 / 5 rounds of 2 or 3 minute Freestyle bag work (do pad work or shadow if no bag)
Body Conditioning Pyramid – Burpees/Press Ups/Squats
Work each stage of the pyramid and then have 30 sec to 1 min rest
Core Training – Sit ups with weight / Russian Twists
20/20 for 5 sets with no rest in between
Workout 2
Progressive Pad Work with a partner (if no pads, use cushions. If not partner, use bag or do shadow boxing). 2 or 3 reps light/slow/ 2 or 3 reps hard/fast
1. Jab
2. Jab / Rear Roundhouse Kick
3. Jab / Rear Roundhouse Kick / Cross
4. Jab / Rear Roundhouse Kick / Cross / Switch Lead Kick
Repeat the above in Southpaw stance
Use Numbers for Combinations if with Pad Holder or solo
4 rounds of 2 minute pad work. 2 rounds Orthodox and 2 rounds Southpaw
Workout 3
Fresh air technical striking
3 slow / 3 fast to develop skill and rhythm
Combination 1 – Cross / Lead Hook / Rear Roundhouse Kick
Repeat the above in Southpaw stance
Repeat the process with 9 other 3 or 4 count combinations
3 / 5 rounds of 2 or 3 minute Freestyle shadow boxing
Workout 4
Exercise circuit to warm up and increase intensity with
5 rounds of 15 secs on / 15 secs off with each exercise.
Jog on Spot / Jog on Spot with Punches / Jumping Jacks (Star Jumps)
3 / 5 rounds of 2 or 3 minute Freestyle pad work (do bag work or shadow if no pads or partner)
15 Burpees with Power right roundhouse kick (Jab / Cross / R Knee if no Pad)
15 Burpees with Power left roundhouse kick (Jab / Cross / L Knee if no Pad)
100 Press Up Challenge – 20 of each
Normal Grip / Staggered Grip L & R / Sway / Close Grip
Workout 5
Exercise circuit to warm up and increase intensity with
Jog on Spot 30 secs / 20 Press Ups / 20 Sit Ups / 20 Burpees / 20 Jumping Jacks
3 – 5 rounds with 1 min rest between each circuit
Partner Drills with a partner (replace with bag work or shadow if no partner)
1st minute – Lead Jab
2nd minute – Add Slip and Jab
3rd minute – Add Cross
4th minute – Add Lead Hook
5th minute – Add Rear Roundhouse Kick
Repeat the above in Southpaw stance
1 – 4 Rear Power Kicks (on pad or bag) Replace with Jump Squat / Rear Teep for same count if doing into Fresh Air
4 – 1 Lead Power Kicks (on pad or bag) Replace with Jump Squat / Lead Teep for same count if doing into Fresh Air
Reverse for 1 set ie 1 – 4 Lead Power Kicks / 4 -1 Rear Power Kicks. Repeat for 3 rounds in total
Watch my example video
Tiffany Van Soest
Tiffany Van Soest is a multiple times (and current) Glory Kickboxing World Champion and 5 x Muay Thai World Champion.
Training Hack: tennis ball on a string.
Hang up a tennis ball on a string with a little bit of room to move around and you have a great training partner to help with things like defense, distance, reaction, and timing. You can keep it super simple or get creative with how you use this in your training. Here are a few examples:
Round 1: head movement- swing the ball and work on head movements to avoid getting hit. Slips, rolls, lean backs, etc
Round 2: Offense, defense, counter- swing the ball and work on timing and defense. Throw a punch or (combo), slip the ball as it swings toward you, counter with a punch (or combo)
Round 3: Movement- swing the ball in a circular direction, using footwork and movement keep the ball at the same distance from you
Petchyindee Gym
Petchyindee gym is one of the most famous and well respected Muay Thai gyms in all of Thailand. Situated in Bangkok, this legendary gym has produced multiple champions since 1976.
Day 1: Abs Circuit (20 sec each x 5 sets, rest 1 min between set)
1. V-up
2. Bicycle Crunch
3. Side to side Crunch
4. Plank with Hip Dip
5. Spiderman Crunch
6. Flutter kicks
Day 2: Legs killer (40 sec, rest 20 sec x 5 sets, rest 1 min between set)
1. High Knee
2. Butt kicks
3. Squat Jack + Punch
4. Mountain Climber
5. Frog Jump
5. Tuck Jump
Day 3: Upper&Core (40 sec, rest 20 sec x 5 sets, rest 1 min between set)
1. Plank
2. Push-up
3. Military Plank
4. Plank with Shoulder tap
5. Bear Crawl
6. Sit-up hold with Plank
Day 4: Arms&Shoulders (40 sec, rest 20 sec x 5 sets, rest 1 min between set) (weights or 2 bottles of water are required)
1. Hammer curl
2. Biceps curl to punch
3. Reverse press to Shoulders press
4. Press to static overhead raise
5. Double arms row to hammer press
5. Lateral raise to single lateral raise
Day 5: Full Body (40 sec, rest 20 sec x 5 sets, rest 1 min between set)
1. Jumping Jack
2. Jump Squat
3. Plank jack step in
4. Alternate arms & Leg raise
5. Push-up + Spider man crunch
6. Burpees
Barry Robinson
Barry Robinson is the founder of www.amillionstylesboxing.com and one of the leading Boxing and Striking for Comabat Sports coaches in the world today.
https://www.warriorcollective.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/BR-Copy-5-Web-300x200.jpg" title_text="BR-Copy-5-Web.jpg
Get Great at Boxing – Jabs
The jab is one of the most essential boxing skills. Here are two really challenging Jab Development Drills for you. Simply follow my voice commands.
Having one way to throw the jab can limit a fighter as they start fighting evenly matched competitors. It’s paramount to have knowledge of that fact. However it’s even more important to transfer that knowledge to your body. I’m sure you’ve heard the Bruce Lee quote about 10 thousand reps. This drill aims to get your body and mind reps at developing various jabs.
Types of Jabs In This Training
Jab (No Step)
2 Jabs
3 Jabs
Jab Body
Step In The Hole
Jab Step Left (simultaneous)
Jab Step Right (simultaneous)
Jab Catch Jab (Jab, Catch Jab, Jab)
Stick Jab
Double Jab
Triple Jab
Jab Offline
Forward & Jab (simultaneous)
Backwards & Jab (simultaneous)
L Offense Jab
Here Is The Program For This Drill
2 Rounds Conventional
2 Rounds Southpaw
2 Rounds Shadowboxing
An A Million Styles Boxing foundation is an agile foundation. Do two 3 Minute Rounds in each stance following my audio commands. During these rounds catch an imaginary jab as many times as you can.
Then shadowbox mixing in catching the jab & jab variations. These shadow boxing rounds are your time to explore your jab & more importantly get 50 reps of catching the jab in each of your shadowboxing rounds.
Jeff Chan
Jeff Chan is a ONE Championship signed professional MMA fighter. Widely known as the founder of the hugely popular MMA Shredded YouTube Channel, he is well regarded the world over for his exceptional striking talent.
One of my favourite solo training workouts to complete is on the heavy bag. It’s a 16 minute boxing workout that was inspired by my head coach, Firas Zahabi. It’s a workout that I was doing twice a week throughout my most recent fight camp, and it made me appreciate the importance of optimizing my time and use on the heavy bag.
Now if you don’t have access to a heavy bag, this can also be done shadowboxing with more of an emphasis on speed and proper technique. We’ll be going through 8 sets, alternating between speed and power in each round.
Here’s the breakdown for the workout:
Set 1 (Speed): Left body hook – right body hook – left body hook – right body hook – left head hook
Set 2 (Power): Double left head hook or liver hook
Set 3 (Speed) Jab cross – pause – jab cross jab cross
Set 4 (Power): Right body hook – left body hook
Set 5 (Speed): Jab – jab – cross – hook
Set 6 (Power): Jab – cross
Set 7 (Speed): Jab – cross – body jab – body cross – left head hook
Set 8 (Power): Cross
Danny Williams
Danny is a Team GB Judo Olympian and internationally renowned Judoka. The British athlete is also a keen BJJ practitioner and regularly leads seminars around the world for both Judo and Jiu Jitsu audiences.
Filling The Gaps
In October of 2012 my coach Luke and I sat down to discuss moving forward after London 2012. Luke said to me that I needed to get better technically, a conclusion I had also come to while having a period of downtime back home in Shropshire post Olympics. I was 23 and had been doing Judo for 19 years. I’d trained like a bull in a china shop my whole life up until that point, as much as I could as intensely as I could. I also grew up in Shrewsbury where there wasn’t any elite level clubs or coaches. For the majority of my time doing Judo any competitive success that I had had was mainly down to the fact that I was always keen to fight and was very well prepared from a physical standpoint because of how hard I trained and how often I did it. I could outfight a lot of people that were technically superior to me; enough to gain a certain level of success but not to beat the very best fighters in the world. The possession of a full fighting system covering all the areas of a contest and that includes 1 or more techniques so polished that, should the opportunity arise, could be scored on anyone in the world, would be, Luke said, what would be required.
As I watched videos back of my competitive matches I could see so may areas in which to improve. I crossed my feet when I moved, I’d be in the wrong stance, I’d put the wrong hand on at times, made the wrong decisions. The improvement needed in my standing attacks made sense, have a couple of main threats and then answers to any reaction the opponent may give in defending the initial attack. I’d fallen in love with the armlock Ju-ji-gatame a few years previous after being shown a very brutal version of it by Jim Warren. Because Jim’s way of doing the technique applies so much pressure to the opponent it forces them to react out of desperation, I had begun to find answers for all the reactions my partners were making so the idea of an interlinking system made perfect sense, I just had to meticulously practice.
Another resolution I made after the London Olympics was to take the technical aspects of strength and conditioning much more seriously. I’ve been so lucky to have Ben Rosenblatt as my S&C coach for nearly all of my senior career. Something Ben said to me one session really stuck in my mind, “own every inch off the lift”. That got me thinking about all the elements of a Judo contest, all the small inches, about owning every inch of a fight; how to move, which stance, how to stand, how to pivot, which hand angle for grips etc. Some of these things I’ve been shown by my coach and some I’ve researched myself, the main thing for me was it was at this point that I realised there were many simple areas that I could improve in, and by doing that I was edging closer to controlling all that I could. That meant swallowing my ego at times, one example being that I’d turn up to beginner Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes instead of going to the regular session where I could hold my own against, and submit, a lot of the brown belts. I realised that I needed to brush up on the very basics, because of Judo we were able to mix it with the higher grades but that meant that we missed out on a lot of the key simple learning. Carlson Gracie run an excellent beginner programme which meant I got to go through things like a closed guard, basic sweeps, hip escapes etc properly, I was missing so many small details. Every now and again I go back for a session with the white belts and I always learn something new.
The idea of this post came as I was asked to write something by Stuart Tomlinson who runs a brilliant online tutorial system called the Warrior Collective, well worth a look if you’ve not come across them before. Stuart has asked some coaches to write a couple of paragraphs on some methods of training for this isolation period. Although it’s probably not quite what Stuart asked for I’d say, from my experience with how to train and practice, consider the Rohn quote “Wherever you are, be there”
If you are in a skill acquisition session, train slow and let your mind learn the technique. If you a drilling a previously learned technique or scenario then go slow to medium pace and let your body learn the motor skills of the movement. If you are sparring outside of fight preparation then practice, if you are sparring in fight preparation then practice more intensely. If you are in the weights gym do strength training. I’m not a fan of replicating things. For me, while I’m in isolation I have no partner to grapple with, so, any combat sport training I’m doing I’m practicing everything that happens in a contest after the referee has said start that doesn’t require me having my hands on someone else; stance, movement, pivots, feints, reactional footwork, side steps etc. It’s not often I can focus solely on those things, so I’m going to make the most of this opportunity to do so.
Kieran Keddle
Kieran Keddle is a Multiple times Muay Thai World Champion and founder of the highly renowned Double K gym in London. The British born coach now lives and coaches in Calgary, Canada.
I call this the extreme!
Everything is 2 minutes then you switch to the next drill (no breathers !) , you try beat your record each time
Jab cross , then two jumping jacks
Jab cross (x2 sets) down for 3 jumping lunges
Jab cross (x3 sets) down for 4 squat jumps
Jab cross (x4 sets) down for 5 burpees
Jab cross (x5 sets) down for 6 push ups
Enjoy the ten minutes of sweat , remember no breaks in between or water privileges
er Kicks / 4 -1 Rear Power Kicks. Repeat for 3 rounds in total
https://www.instagram.com/kierankeddle /
Dave Jackson
Dave Jackson is a well known UK Muay Thai coach. Responsible for coaching striking to multiple high level fighters over the years including the likes of UFC’s former Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton “Rampage” Jackson.
This has been adapted slightly from a workout we called the Hotel Room Workout. We used to use it for UFC fighters to enable them to maintain fitness in the run up to an event at the times when training camp had to be interrupted for reasons that meant they were stuck in a hotel (like press/ publicity meetings or anything that took them away from the normal routine of daily training at the gym)
It’s a really simple chart that allows you to monitor fitness levels and see improvement over time
Paul McVeigh
Paul McVeigh is a renowned Scottish BJJ Black belt and Professional MMA fighter. A much sought after instructor at the Griphouse in Glasgow, the former Cage Warriors World Champion is well known for his highly technical approach to coaching.
Hip External Rotation
From 90/90 Base Position
2 Min passive stretch
30 Sec Pails Contraction
30 Sec Rails Contraction
2 sets of the above
Passive Range Holds
5 x 5 second holds
3 x 10 second holds
Passive Range Lift Offs
15 Reps Hip Controlled Articular Rotations
3 Reps
From 90/90 Base Position Rear Leg Focus
2 Min passive Internal rotation stretch
30 Sec Pails Contraction
30 Sec Rails Contraction
2 sets of the above
Passive Range Holds
5 x 5 second holds
Passive Range Lift Offs
15 Reps
Hip Hinge from 90/90
3 Reps
Mick Crossland
Mick Crossland is a multiple times Kickboxing World Champion and the hugely respected founder/head coach of the Combat Academy gym in Barnsley.
Heres my favourite solo workout
Functional Warm Up
– Skipping – 500 revolutions
– Alternate lunges with scapula protraction x 20
– Banded crab walks x 25 e/s
– Walk out push ups x 10
– Shoulder dislocates x 15
– Bear/spider lunge/T frame x 10 e/s
– Child pose to up dog x 10
– Kossak squats x 10 e/s
Shadow Boxing 10 x 3 min Rounds
R1: Head movement, footwork, feints, active defence (no offence)
R2: Add Jabs
R3: Add Teeps & knees
R4: Add 3 punch combos
R5: Add Roundhouse Kicks
R6: Kicking only round
R7: Spectacular Offence (Spin Kicks, jumping techniques etc)
R8, R9 & R10 = Freestyle Shadow (all techniques at high pace)
Heavy Bag Progressive Combo work
R1 = 3 x 1 progressions
M1: jab/jab, cross/Jab, Cross, Jab & cross/ cross, jab/ cross, jab, cross
M2: add low kick, middle kick or high kick to the end of each drill
M3: Add body hooks or knees in place of kicks
Round 2= 3 x 1 min progressions
M1: jab, cross, hook/ cross, hook, cross/ hook, cross, hook M2: add low kick, middle kick or high kick to the end of each drill
M3: Add body hooks or knees in place of kicks
Round 3 = 3 x 1 min progressions
M1: jab, uppercut, hook/ cross, uppercut, cross/ cross, rear uppercut, hook
M2: add low kick, middle kick or high kick to the end of each drill
M3: Add body hooks or knees in place of kicks
Round 4 = 3 x 1 min progressions
M1: Jab Head, cross body, hook head, body kick
M2: add lead teep
M3: add lead hook rear body kick
Round 5 = 3 x 1 min progressions
M1: Jab, Lead hook, cross, lead body kick
M2: add rear teep
M3: add lead high kick
Round 6 = 3 x 1 min progressions
M1: jab, uppercut, hook, rear high kick
M2: add lead side kick
M3: add rear turning side kick
To finish 5 min Bear Walk 5 min squat hops Full body stretch
Paul Karpowicz
Paul Karpowicz is known internationally for his exceptional Muay Thai striking and coaching. The UK coach is also highly respected Pro fighter who is sought after on events across the world.
Good work warm up for warm up for beginners is
blocking side to side x1min 10x normal sit ups
10x cross sit ups to the left
10x cross sit ups to right
10x legs up top touch your toes
10x leg kick outs
10x legs up then out (keep lower back pressed in floor by tensing core)
30 seconds normal plank
30seconds side plank
30seconds other side plank
Back to blocking side to side ,,,x1min repeat 3times to start build to 5 or increase sit ups to 15
Watch my example video
blocking side to side x2min
20x normal sit ups
20x cross sit ups to the left
20x cross sit ups to right
20x legs up top touch your toes
20x leg kick outs
20x legs up then out (keep lower back pressed in floor by tensing core)
1min normal plank
1min side plank
1min other side plank
Back to blocking side to side ,,,2mins repeat 5times
Iman Barlow
Iman Barlow is globally renowned as one of the best female fighters to have ever come out of the UK. Iman’s whole family are involved in either coaching or competing in Muay Thai
Session 1
Speed Skipping 5 rounds x2 mins in between 20 sit ups/ crunchies.
Shadow boxing 10 mins.
Knee drills – alternate high knees
For 1 min as a rest 10 press ups 10 star jumps 10 sit ups.
Do this 3 times.
Session 2
Shadow box with weights for 2 mins shadow box without weights 2 mins x3 times.
Ab work out –
Cruchies – 50
Toe touches – 50
Bent touch knee sit ups – 30
Russian twist with some sort of weight 50.
Rest then repeat.
Liam Harrison
Liam Harrison will need no introduction to anyone who follows Muay Thai in the UK. The Hitman is one of the most well known fighters on the circuit today and has a multitude of World Champion title belts as a result.
Did this work out the other day in my living room
quick 30 minute work out.
4 mins warm up jogging on the spot alternating between star jumps, punching out, punching up and back ward and forward strides.
1st part 3 rounds 3 minutes each round 3 exercises.
1st minute burpees, 2nd minute jumping squats, 3rd minute swing knees, (shadow version) or if you have a bag use the bag…. 3 rounds continues no rest, at the end of the round street into an 800 meter run, either tread mill or round the block up to you what ever is easiest and at hand…
1 minute rest.
Next part 1 minute press ups, 1 minute leg raise 1 minute full shadow boxing kick knee elbow punch everything. 3 rounds again end of the last round 800 meter sprint again.
Final exercise 3 minute plank to finish off.
Then cool down and stretch.
Paul Cole
Paul Cole is a highly regarded UK BJJ Black belt and the head coach at Five Rings Grappling Academy.
Solo Drills for BJJ.
Training by myself isn’t ever my idea of fun but this time in lock down has really forced me into seeing what movements I can do to make sure I stay sharp for when I can return to the mats.
I started yoga about 15 months ago and since then I have made sure to make it a part of my Jiu Jitsu practice. I have done it more than ever recently; I am a fully subscribed member of Yoga for BJJ and work through a lot of the programmes on there depending on how my body feels. Sometimes I feel like my hips need loosening. I find that the front of my body feels very closed and tight from all of the pulling that is done in training, so I spend extra time opening up with Updogs and bridging movements.
After that I always make sure to move my hips in as many ways as I can. I’m a big believer in my jiu jitsu will only ever be as good as the movements that I can’t make so I tailor my solo drills to mobility. I don’t ever really go in with a set amount of time or reps I want to do usually, although at the moment I am pushing it harder to get sweating and maintain a level of fitness.
My standard workout is
Yoga for BJJ – Warm Up and then whichever routine I feel my body needs.
Mobility Drills (Defensive, Offensive & Reverse Shrimps, Hip Switch, Pendulums, Inversions)
Lizard Walks (usually 2 steps forwards, 2 backwards because of space)
Bridges (I’d like my neck to be as strong as Lyubo Kumbarov’s)
Sprawls (It’s the grapplers burpee)
Kettlebell Swings
Turkish Get Ups
I finish with some balance work on a gym ball. There are some great videos of Jeff Glover on YouTube doing gym ball work and I am a huge fan of his so play around on that.
Panicos Yusuf
Panicos Yusuf is known the world over for his highly technical Muay Thai style. The UK/Cypriot fighter was one of the first from the country signed to the global super promotion ONE Championship and is a multiple times World Champion in his own right.
With no rest between the exercises and normally done with a 5kg ball:
24 squats
24 lunges
24 jumping/alternate lunges
12 squat jumps
Straight into 2mins shadow boxing (recovery/rest).
Repeat 5x
Next drill
Drilling the left teep from the front, normally done on a bag (can be modified to do lightly against a wall or fresh air).
-50 reps,
-Weight on your back leg, keeping it solid and trying not to lose any balance.
-Lift your knee high and fully extend the teep without leaning back too far.
-right hand at your head
-consciously swing left hand to use as a counter weight when pushing and returning.
Change and repeat the same from opposite stance. Once you have completed 50 reps on each side, proceed with 100 teeps alternating legs (left-right etc).
Zara L Phythian
Zara is not only a lifelong student of the Martial Arts, she is also a well known actress (having appeared in a multitude of films and productions) and prominent UK based coach.
Now more than ever it's vital that we 'adapt and overcome' in these challenging circumstances we currently find ourselves, and find new ways to promote, create and inspire our students, family, friends and communities to stay active and healthy during tough social distancing measures.
Our sanity is going to be important to monitor during the crisis, and the mental and physical benefits of exercise will be essential in maintaining and promoting a positive and heathy lifestyle at home. The Martial Art lessons of discipline, self-control and indomitable spirit will help see us through this pandemic, and our resolve and determination will most certainly be called upon in uncertain times such as these.
Let's continue to help each other and our communities through our online training and programs. Here's a few of my favourite home training workouts that you can try. You can scale the exercises up or down to suit your ability and fitness level. Feel free to share and of course, you can adapt and change the workout to suit you.
Have fun and stay safe!
Workout #1
Equipment: Chair or bench
Goal: Complete the following for time. Push through until you've completed all reps. Focus: Consistency in form & technique
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees (Chest to floor)
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Dips (Find a bench, sofa or chair)
30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Sit-Ups with Jab & Cross (Or ab exercise of your choice)
Instructions: The format of the workout goes like this_
10 Burpees, 20 Dips, 30 Sit-Ups 9 Burpees, 18 Dips, 27 Sit-Ups 8 Burpees, 16 Dips, 24 Sit-Ups 7 Burpees, 14 Dips, 21 Sit-Ups 6 Burpees, 12 Dips, 18 Sit-Ups 5 Burpees, 10 Dips, 15 Sit-Ups 4 Burpees, 8 Dips, 12 Sit-Ups
3 Burpees, 6 Dips, 9 Sit-Ups 2 Burpees, 4 Dips, 6 Sit-Ups 1 Burpee, 2 Dips, 3 Sit-Ups
Workout #2
Equipment: None
Goal: Tabata Style Workout. 8 Rounds :20 On/ :10 Off
Focus: Consistent work rate in each round. Complete as many reps as you can in each 20 second round. Aim for the same number of reps for each round. Find your threshold and hang out there for the best results.
8 Rounds Squats Side Kicks - Rest 1 minute = 4 minutes (Kick out to the side/ 90* to the direction you're facing. Alternate legs)
8 Rounds Push-Up Should Taps - Rest 1 minute = 4 minutes
8 Rounds Side Plank with Hip Drop - Rest 1 minute = 4 minutes
(Alternate sides each round)
Workout #3
Equipment: Chair / Martial Art Belt
Goal: Leg conditioning. Working correct foot position & chamber for each kick. Focus: Keep your knee high and hold each kick for 2 seconds. Work both legs.
Hold onto a chair, sideboard or wall. Complete each kick set on each leg without putting your leg down. When using the belt to stretch and hold the kick, make a loop 2/3 of the way down, put your hand through the loop and hold your kick out. Pull the belt to help stretch further and wrap your hand around the belt if necessary, to pull higher. Work both sides.
50 Round Kicks
50 Side Kicks
50 Hook / Round Kicks (Same chamber)
50 Side leg lifts (straight leg pulses from the waist to head or as high as comfortable)
20 second Front Kick belt hold/stretch
20 Second Round Kick belt hold/stretch
20 Second Side Kick belt hold/stretch
Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones is a top ranked UK professional MMA fighter who has fought on some of the world's leading promotions.
Solo workout. No equipment. About 15 mins.
I like to shadow box.
It does not matter on length, rest and total number of rounds. As long as you are getting about 15 minutes activity. For example, 5 x 3 mins, 8 x 2 mins. I like to theme the rounds.
So my first round, I will take my time feel the rotation of my hip, feel body weight distribution. To feel my guard and stance in between movement and techniques. Then I like to layer it up with some power techniques to synchronise my breathing and thought pattern.
The next round I will do 3, 4 and 5 hit combinations, progressing through the round. I like to keep these techniques snappy (bap, bap, bap). Then move your feet, move your head, reset your guard and/ or cut the angle and counter.
I also like to have a chameleon round. Where every 30-45 seconds I change my style. I could change stance, fight long range, be aggressive and work the body. I could use my angles and or be counter attacking. This is necessary as it may happen in a fight or competition, where you will have to adapt to win.
I also dedicate a round or two to focusing on a particular technique. For example, I could start combinations with a double jab, or I could finish comboniations with a rear round kick. I then progress this and blend in variations of the same technique, becoming fluid in transition.
You may have other themes for your rounds such as, working defences, speed round, power round. It is a good way to warm up and cool down. And also forms part of my workout.
Practice lead-leg chamber. Solo workout, no equipment. 15 mins.
Once you are warm, stand in your stance with guard up. Chamber your lead leg as high and close to your chest, and with full extension as slow as possible for control and effectiveness.
Set 1. Side kick 10 times and round kick 10 times. Once complete, change stance. 10 times of each kick on the other leg. Again, once complete, change stance.
Set 2. I will repeat exercise but this time, deliver technique to the head. Doing in both stances to train both side equally.
Set 3. This time, I will double the technique up with one low and one high. It is ok to rest after each double - but chamber, throw first technique, back to chamber and throw second technique, back to chamber, then down.
Set 4. This set will have me doing the kicks together, one after the other. Eg side kick then round kick, or round kick then kick side kick.
Set 5. I will then do a final set explosive of each kick on each leg. By the end of workout, I would have done 100 kicks on each leg kick. When it comes to repeating workout, I can swap in and out other kick such axe kick and hook kick etc.
Andy Howson
Andy Howson is a multiple times Muay Thai World Champion is who currently signed to ONE Championship. The highly renowned British fighter is known the world over for his aggressive fighting style.
Warm up and stretch for a good 10-15 mins and the go straight into the little circuit, we're going to go 4 rounds for time with this.
40 air squats
30 hand release push ups (so start in full push up position slowly lower body till on the floor and lift hands slightly off the floor then power back up to top) when you start the press up itself really explode and all body comes up at the same time great for explosive punch power.
20 chest to floor burpees
10 alternate leg lunges
No rest in between sets and go again for 4 sets as quick as possible.
Give yourself 5 mins to rest and wrap/glove up if you have a bag or a partner and pads in your house hold here is a few little pad fitness drills you can do also to keep that heart rat up and keep fit during the lockdown.
Round 1 = Tabata style so working 20 seconds on as hard and fast as possible with a 10 second rest for the full 3min round. Starting with none stop straight punches as hard and as fast as possible x 2 sets of 20 secs, then working the same but with right body kick none stop and keeping the pace and power again for x 2 sets of 20secs and to end the round 2 sets left body kick x 2 sets 20secs.
Round 2= It's time to burn those arms out now, so for the full 3 minute round you're going to be working in 30 second intervals of speed and power. So your first 30 seconds just fast hands straight punches as fast as possible when the 30 seconds is up straight into power shots for 30 seconds mixing up the punches can be single shots combinations anything you want but work hard and work with big power shots and keep alternating like that to the end of the round.
Round 3 = This time we're going to work 30 swing knees straight into 5 fast kicks each side and repeat this for the full 3 min round. Simple but very effective and a great finisher to any session.
Greg Wooton
Greg Wootton is widely regarded as one of the best Muay Thai fighters of his generation. The UK born super talent now resides and coaches in LA.
Warm up: Mobility moves and dynamic stretches.
Skipping or running- 4x 3mins low intensity. In between rounds do 25 x
-push ups
-jump squats
-sit ups
-dorsal raises
One final round of skipping/running is 20sec slow, 20sec sprint.
Then 5_3 mins of conceptual shadow boxing.
Round 1: Feel out round. Lots of measuring jabs, probing teeps and foot work to move with your opponent. Most single strikes and defences.
Round 2: Start to cut the ring off and let some of your favourite combos loose. After each combo always imagine what your opponent or you will do next. Never switching off.
Round 3: Visualise a specific opponents fighting style (aggressive walk forward fighter, counter fighter, clinch fighter, dangerous puncher, stationary opponent, etc). Shadow box this opponent with a specific strategy in mind.
Round 4: Pick a different opponent to visualise and fight them with a strategy in mind. Keep aware of the score and trying to do more or score more kicks this round.
Round 5: finish off with a speed round. Teep jab and move around. Unleash a combo as fast as you can every 20 seconds. Focus on speed rather than technique.
Core holds 1 min of each with no rest between
-side plank
-other side plank
Then 200 sit ups of a mixture of variations.
Stretch out
Ricky Lam
Ricky Lam is a Taekwondo 5th Dan and head coach/owner/founder of Premier Martial Arts in Leeds. Highly regarded as an instructor, he is also a well-respected author.
WOD 1:
1 Rounds = Straight Punches 30 secs, Sprawls 30 secs, Sprints 30secs and Rest for 30 secs. 5 rounds in total
WOD2: Is an EMOM for 12 Minutes.
Beginners do 4 of each exercise, Intermediates do 6 of each exercise and Advanced/Elite do 8 of each exercise.
eg. Beginner do 4 Jab/Cross/Hook/Cross combos, 4 Knees (2=1) and 4 Thai Press Ups then rest for the remainder of the minute. If they do it in 45 secs then they get 15 secs break. If they don't do it within the 60 secs then they get no break and start with the Punches as soon as the clock gets to the start of the minute. 12 min WOD in total.
Dan Mitten
Dan Mitten is a much sought after functional fitness and movement coach based in the North of the UK. He works regularly with some of the most prominent fighters and Martial Arts figures from across Europe.
"Every move in this sport has an underlying movement that makes it possible.
Without movement, the move won't happen.
Training your movement skills will enhance your performance of the moves when you get back in action."
Not my words, although I wholeheartedly agree.
These are the words of John Danaher.
All aspects of our training and lifestyle must constantly be evaluated in the context of whether they are moving us forward,
toward our goals or, rather, holding us back.
Even during these unprecedented times we all find ourselves in.
Therefore, our time must be used in the most efficient and effective manner.
We must make the most of this opportunity.
Practice with intention.
Not out of habit.
We have no choice but to practice solo drills, so make them relevant.
On behalf of The Warrior Collective,
I'm sharing one of many solo mobility flows,
that will keep you moving until we all return to the mats.
Every element has a transferable property that can help improve your game.
Who`s it for?
Everyone & anyone.
From the serious athlete looking to improve their performance,
to the individual who wants to have fun and keep moving at the same time.
Butterfly guard
Combat base
Butterfly guard
Combat base
Butterfly guard
Back roll tap
I/2 cartwheel pass
Sit thru
Mount push up
Butt scoot
Butterfly guard
Royston Wee
Royston made history when he became the first Singaporean fighter to be signed to the UFC. Now a much sought after coach and figure, he helps produce the next wave of talent within the country.
This is simple mobility work with no to minimal equipment needed depending on the individual's ability.
30 minutes of ass to grass squat a day. Set a timer on your smartphone and let it run when you get into that position. You can split the 30 minutes throughout the day. Deep squat is a good way to improve movement and working on mobility. Mainly ankle, knee, hip and thoracic mobility. It is a great way to improve overall mobility for daily functional activities as well as sports specific requirements.
Keep the width between the feet around shoulder with apart, plus minus. Adjust to get into miximal depth. Feet can be facing 45 degrees outwards, but highly recommend to play around with different angles to where the feet points along the way.
Shift your body weight to your left and right ankle with pauses of 10-30 seconds along the way.
If feeling any pain, sore, discomfort along the way, pause the timer, stand up shake it off, and resume squatting position.
Best to be squatting barefoot always. Else, minimal footwear.
Key is to squat as deep as possible in a relaxed posture.
If range of motion is limited and doesn't allow for deep squat, look for a strong frame to hold on to such as door, ledge, pillar. If heels can't touch the floor, add small weight plates or a small book and slide under the heel as assistance to prevent losing balance.
Danny Mitchell
Danny "Cheesecake Assassin" Mitchell is a UFC veteran and BJJ black belt. The British born fighter is highly regarded across the world for his no nonsense approach and expert training methods.
MMA Workout
This is a none stop round of MMA movements to replicate a fight. You start on your feet, work takedown defence, then escaping on the ground as if you got taken down, then working back to your feet and finishing with striking. The shadow boxing should be fast and sharp! Enjoy!
30 sec shadow box
30 sec 12 sprawls
30 sec shrimping (on spot)
30 sec bridging (on spot)
30 sec get ups
30 sec shadow
Total 3 minutes per round
Beginners 3 rounds 1 min rest
Intermediated 5 rounds 45 sec rest
Advanced 8-10 rounds 30 sec rest
Funk Roberts
Funk Roberts is a world-renowned fitness coach and no 1 selling author. He regularly helps elite fighters from across the world improve their training regimes to enable optimum success in competition.
As a fighter it is important to include strength and conditioning as part of your overall training no matter what level you are at. If you want to improve your skills, stay injury free and advance in your training, you will need auxiliary work outside of your skill and fight training.
As a fighter and martial artists, you need to develop full body conditioning by improving all the physical attributes that is needed in your sport such as:
Cardio and Conditioning
Muscular endurance
Speed and Quickness
Core Strength
Sometimes you do not have access to the gym so using the right body weight only workouts can be highly effective. In fact, bodyweight training should be the foundation of all training for fighters. When you can master your bodyweight training then you will have more control over your body.
There is so much published information on the increase of "functional strength" as well as mobility, which is brought about by this type of training. They are fundamentally different from most weight training exercises because they engage muscle groups, which are often ignored in the gym, and transfer into more functional combat training.
Bodyweight training also teaches you how to use your body as a 'single kinetic chain', which translates to your combat sport. The movements in most martial arts involve multiple muscles and motions at the same time. You will also build much better pound for pound strength, real world functional strength, improved flexibility/range of motion and joints that are as strong as your muscles.
Bodyweight exercises are an invaluable tool for improving your neuromuscular coordination and conditioning. I will always incorporate some essential bodyweight exercises into my fighter programs. Your body is truly your greatest "piece of equipment," and there is no membership fee required to use it
Today I am going to hook you up with a full of my At-Home body weight only fighter wircuits using no equipment at all. The best part is that you can train all the physical attributes needed as a fighter in the comfort of your own living room
Funk Roberts: The Ultimate Metabolic Fighter Workout
This workout using the metabolic (HIIT) training protocol. This 10-exercise circuit uses movement that will help you develop all the physical attributes needed by a fighter in one workout.
You will perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest one after the other. Once you have completed all 10 exercises rest for 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 2 rounds. (Beginner can use 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest)
Warm Up - 5-minute dynamic warm up or skipping. Make sure you warm up prior and stretch after this workout
Main Circuit: Fighter Bodyweight Workout
You will perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest one after the other. Once you have completed all 10 exercises rest for 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 2 rounds. Total Time = 30 Minutes (with rest)
Burpees with jump
Abs Bicycles
Jumping Lunges
Wide to Regular Push Ups
Stationary Sprint and Punch
Kick Outs - Sit Thrus
Prisoner Squats
Bear Crawls (back and forth)
Alternating Side Plank Rotations
Combo Sprawls (Jab-Cross-Sprawl)
Finisher Circuit: 5 Minute Burpee Finisher
This workout is the perfect way to end your session, train the tank and dip into your metal fortitude to "Get It Done!"
You will perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest one after the other for one round = 5 Minutes
Side to Side Jumping Burpees
Burpee Mountain Climbers
Burpee Alternating Jumping Lunges
Burpee Push Up and Alternating Leg Raise
Chest to Ground Burpees
Rest for 2 minutes and then finish with this circuit
Abs and Core Finisher: 10 Minute Fighter Abs Circuit
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest one after the other for 1 round.
Abs In and Outs
Abs Hip thrusts
V-Ups to Star Ups
Knee Grabs
Sit Up - with One Two Punch
Flutter Kicks
Reverse Crunches
Alternating Side Plank Reach Under
Abs Spring Ups
Plank Hip Dips
Get it Done!
Damien Trainor
For anyone who has been following the Warrior Collective for any length of time, the globally renowned striking coach and multiple times Muay Thai World Champion will need no introduction.
Here's a quick home solo workout you can do if you have or have no equipment at home
The rounds for each one can be increased or lessened depending on your fitness level.
Round One (3mins)
10 Press ups
10 Squats
10 star jumps
10 sit ups
Repeat this for the round and try to remember how many cycles you get through. By doing this you'll see if you're increasing your intensity each time you do it. You can also increase the rounds if you feel you're getting fitter by doing 2 or 3 rounds.
Round Two (3mins)
Choose an exercise dependent on you fitness level
Tuck jumps (hard)
Hill sprints (medium)
Press ups (hard)
Squat thrusts (medium)
Star jumps (easy)
For 20 seconds you're going to blast that exercise as much as you can, you'll get a 10 second break then you I'll go again for 20 seconds. Over the 3 minutes you'll get 6 visits, again keep a mental memory of how many you do each round. Try to keep the same intensity in each visit. Remember the idea isn't to pace it, it's to really go for it. So if you need to take a break, take a quick breath then go again until the timer sounds.
If you find one exercise is too much for 6 visits then you can switch it up by doing 3 visits of one then 3 visits of another. Again you can increase the number of rounds if you wish.
These next ones can be done via shadow boxing if you don't have a bag or you can use pads and a partner.
Round Three (3mins)
Boxing drill
1. Jab
2. Jab, cross
3. Jab, cross, hook
4. Jab, cross, hook, hook
5. Jab, cross, hook, hook, cross
6. Jab, cross, hook, hook, cross, double jab
If on your own, build up from 1 all the way to 6 then drop down and start again. If you have a partner and pads then learn the combo 1-6 then you partner can call the numbers and you do the combo to that number.
Round four (3 mins)
1. 1st min Jab, Cross, defend body kick with leg
2. 2nd min jab, cross, defend body kick with leg then knee with the opposite leg 3.
3rd min jab, cross, defend body kick with leg, knee with the opposite leg, then kick with the same leg you kneed with.
Round 5 (3 mins)
1. 1st min alternate lead teep rear knee then lead teep lead knee (bounce or step this one)
2. 2nd min Same as above but after right knee you'll go hook, cross, hook and after left knee you go cross, hook, cross.
3. 3rd min Same as above if you finish on a left hook you'll go right roundhouse kick and if you finish on a cross you'll go left body kick.
Cool down
Use your fence/wall and skip knee (I stress! Don't knee the fence/wall lol) again dependant on fitness level but do 100/200/300 knees (minimum 100).
Then finish with 50 sit ups
Paul Rimmer
Paul Rimmer is the head coach of the internationally renowned MMA gym Next Generation in Liverpool. The BJJ black belt has produced some of the top talents to have come out of the UK over the past decade.
Solo training can be one of the best but most difficult things to do. You have to be strict on yourself to push on and make improvements. I favour isometrics, correct use of them with breath work can allow you push your Central Nervous System to your benefit. Isometrics allow you to punch harder, take shots better, crush people in grappling situations and much much more. Most people will think solo training is restricted to shadow boxing or movement drills which are great. However learning how to increase your neural rate of firing or the amount of pressure you can push into the floor or an object via isometrics will benefit anything you do solo or otherwise.
1. Squeeze your hand into a fist as hard as you can. Concentrate on everything below the elbow joint. Fingers , knuckles, wrist and forearms. Do this and hold for 10 seconds. Do not hold your breath.
2. The maximum contraction that you just reached in your head get a feeling/ sensation for.
3. Try to go from completely relaxed to the sensation of maximum contraction in the fastest time possible.
4. Work on this until maximum contraction is immediate and can be done as a punch is thrown.
Mason Jones
Mason Jones is one of the UK's bright young MMA stars. Recently winning the Cage Warriors title, this Welsh born fighter is looking towards the UFC and weight class dominance in the years to come.
Warm up
_ Press up holds 10 seconds 3 sets
_ Chin up holds 10 seconds (can add weight) 3 sets
_ 6 sec eccentric Squats superset with 5 verticals 3 sets
_ 6 sec eccentric RDL's superset with 5 broad jumps 3 sets
Foam Roll 30 secs
Mini Band 10 reps
Lunge with reach 10 each side
All 4's Hip rotation 10 reps
Hip Jumps, S/L hops 20 reps
Speed Skaters 10 reps
Shoulder Distraction 2 sets 30 secs
_ Kneeling Iron Cross 10 each side
Low Trap Lift Off 8 each side
Cool down with light stretching
Brad Pickett
Brad Pickett is one of the most recognized faces in UK MMA today. The UFC veteran is well known for his time spent at the top of elite level competition and is now also a much sought after commentator.
Treadmill Sprints circuit
10 seconds on 50 seconds off
20 seconds on 40 seconds off
30 seconds on 30 seconds off
40 seconds on 20 seconds off
50 seconds on 10 seconds off
1 minute on
1 minute off
Repeat x 4
Max speed on treadmill with a 0.5 incline
Tom Blackledge
Tom Blackledge is a UFC veteran well known and respected for both his high level grappling and his exceptional coaching ability.
Solo training
Solo training was a substantial pat of my training in my foundation years. When we are to look at the traditional martial arts, solo train was plentiful and formed the majority of study.
Through their expression of kata many traditional martial artists were able to, over the years, formulate their training and develop ideas upon existing traditions of movement.
My solo training consists and consisted of something of a similar vein.
Firstly I would recommend a propensity for footwork, through skipping and various drills to engage all the necessary coordination and stamina needed. Agility ladders are an exceptional piece of kit for singular training when utilised correctly and can be extremely fruitful in the correct hands.
Secondly I would apply a focus on shadow boxing and also shadow wrestling/rolling.
These concepts are nothing new to fighters and martial artists but engaging in a practice 'fight' where we drill a collection of techniques that we utilise in live situations featuring all the fundamental movements from mma training.
As far as grappling goes, we implement a couple of movements in to our session, so for example, how we would practice a hip escape at the start of a session, we also add in the other moves in a combination to the drill. So a hip escape, to a hip bump to arm bar to underhook etc
Its an exceptionally good routine to become proficient at the movements of grappling and also to build a base level of fitness due to the continuous movement.
Position. Movement
Turtle Forward Roll
Side Hip Escape
Side Underhook
Turtle Sit through
Mount Arm bar
Side Hip Escape
Side Underhook
Turtle Forward Roll
Side Hip Escape
Side Bridge Away
Turtle Sit through
Turtle Forward Roll
Guard Backward Roll
Mount Armbar
Guard Triangle
Guard Hip Bump
( back to turtle at top and repeat sequence )
For those unsure, you can watch the accompanying video over on the Fighter Blueprint YouTube page and for the more advance practicioners, there are many more movements we can also begin to add in.
Christian Knowles
Christian (alongside his brother Lyndon) is the founder and head instructor of the Knowlesy Academy in North London. Highly regarded as a striking coach, he has produced multiple world-class fighters.
Workout 1 isolation
Equipment - small hand weights 5kg / if not more intensity speed on shots.
3 min Single shots shadow boxing, boxing and elbows only. If room stepping as often as possible to maximise power.
Dynamic groin stretch stretch, legs wide apart bed one leg sit as low as possible then change legs continue changing legs focusing on going lower ever time. 1 min
3 min two shots shadow boxing, boxing and elbows only. Hard and fast as possible.
Hip to hamstring dynamic stretch 1 min
3 min three shots shadow boxing, boxing elbows.
Quad stretch 30 secs each leg
3 min four shot shadow boxing as above.
Calf stretch 30 secs each leg
3 min Free style shadow boxing with a mix of all the above.
Then repeat the same but adding all Muay Thai techniques, 1 shot, 2 shot combo, 3 shot combo, 4 shot combo, free style mix.
Focus on the shots that work for you in sparring and competition and some that you would like to incorporate and work on.
2nd work out short, sharp and explosive.
Equipment kettlebell or substitute
24 kettlebell swings
12 burpees over the Kettlebell
18 KBS
9 burpees over the kettlebell
12 KBS
18 KBS
24 KBS
If you have don't have equipment replace the swings for press ups.
Ognjen Topic
Ognjen Topic is one the most well respected non-Thai Muay Thai fighters in the world today. The ONE Championship signed athlete holds numerous title belts from his competitive career and is a multiple times World Champion.
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.
Christi Brereton
Christi Brereton is a Venum sponsored athlete competing in Kickboxing at Elite level. The multiple times World Champion is the current UK ranked No 1 bantamweight.
Team Chaos: Home Programme Workout 1
Back to Basics
Warm up:
Set timer to 3 x 3 minute rounds of speed skipping.
Followed by 60 seconds shadow boxing as active rest in-between rounds and after round 3
Skipping technique - You should practice changing footwork, shifting weight left to right foot. Change the tempo with bursts of speed and steady skipping, pick your knees up in front.
How many double-unders can you do in a row? Can you beat the score in the last 10 seconds of the round.
Shadow technique focus on
- Balance and footwork,
Visualize facing your opponent change angles and direction.
Stepping in and out of attacks, with a counter response.
Transferring weight heel to sole of foot.
- Keep your chin, guard inline with brows, elbows tucked in to protect body.
Again change speed tempos.
Pad work/ Bag Work for those lucky to have a punch bag in their house or a partner that can hold pads.
5 x 2 minute rounds with 60 second rest or 8 x 90 seconds 30 seconds rest
Run through three basic 3 - 4 shot combos and drill them throughout the round duration.
These combos should include mixing levels with the bag/ pads.
For example you may start with:
Punches to kicks.
Kicks followed up with punches.
Punches to knee, change angle and attack.
Head shots to body shots, you get the drill!
Don't forget to keep adjusting your position, stepping in and out of range after you attack, and during combos.
You can practice stepping side for example with orthodox opponent's you want to step to your right past your opponents left lead leg so you're out of their firing line! Keep moving because opponent wouldn't be stood still for you!
Workout 2: Own Body weight exercises that require little space
Complete 3 sets following exercises 10 reps of each no rest until you've completed a full round of all 10 exercises
Push ups full extension
Squat thrusts full extension
Jump squats
Slow Mountain hill climbs knee on the outside touching elbow, back straight.
10 each side.
Pike sits ups
Tuck jumps knees up in-front of chest
Alternate bicycle sit ups 10 each side
Press up position shoulder taps 10 each side
Finish off with the Plank - Rest on forearms apart
Focus on keeping your back flat, squeeze glutes and keep your core tight, maintain the position.
How long can you do?
Sit and reach test / Sit down both feet flat touching flat on wall. Legs straight. Reach up and breathe in, as you breathe out lean forward and touch your toes hold for 10 seconds.
Too hard ? Best of 3 so try and get as far as you can with three attempts
Easy ? Get your head to your knees.
Easy? Get your chin to your knees.
Butterfly stretch sit on floor soles of feet touching, bring in heels as tight to your going as you can, try and get your knees touching floor if you can. Keep back straight maintain posture.
3 attempts with 10 seconds holding
Splits stretch palm of hands touching the floor.
Don't use partner just yourselves
Again Best of three rule try and get lower each time.
Keep a diary and watch your progress.
If you can, please send me a video clip of your progress and I will give you my personal feedback!
Ashraf Uddin
Ashraf Uddin is the much sought after striking coach at the world renowned London Shootfighters. The former UK No 1 and British Champion also holds a degree in Molecular Biology.
Here's a quick solo workout for building up speed and endurance in the hands! Ideally you'll need 1kg or 0.5kg dumbbells and a skipping rope.
It's a circuit that involves 4 stations, 1)push ups, 2) skipping, 3) punch combo with dumbbells, 4) same punch combo without dumbbells.
Aim to do 30 seconds of each station with a 10 second rest in between stations.
With the dumbbell station, you'll want to through the punches as hard and clean as you can, taking care not to hit your face or let go of dumbbells!!
On station 4) you'll want to punch as fast and hard as you can, keeping technique clean.
Once you've completed stations 1-4, rest for 30-60 seconds and do 4-10 more combos.
Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy is a internationally respected UK Muay Thai fighter who has proven a dominant force at 63-65kg. The ISKA title holder is also a coach at Imperial Thai Boxing in Southport.
Keeping your conditioning up with little to no equipment.
Burpees are king
With my fighters and myself we do a conditioning drill we called SUCK training, it's designed to be horrible and test your heart and ability to function under fatigue.
Also seeing where you are with your fitness.
It's (ideally) a bag and burpee drill.
5x3min rounds
Max effort, Max power and speed.
Minimal to no pauses.
Imagine yourself looking to finish the fight with every shot/combination.
At the end of round 1.
10 burpees.
No rest, reset your timer and go straight into the next round.
End of 2nd round 20 burpees
Round 3 30burpees
Round 4 40 burpees
Round 5 50burpees
Nothing like this drill simulates the drained feeling and throwing on empty feeling that you some times get in a fight.
Can be swapped for intense shadow work if have not bag
Another one I like and use if you have some kettlebells.
I'll use 16-20kg kettlebell
Single arm Thrusters x10 each arm
Kettle bell swings x20
Snatch x10 each arm
Last one that's often over looked and only takes a pair of trainers is sprints.
10 x 100m twice a week will help keep that explosive power
Eddie Ng
Eddie Ng is one of the trail-blazers of the MMA scene in the North East. The Geordie athlete was the first British fighter signed to ONE Championship and has been one of the main coaches at Evolve MMA in Singapore for many years.
Building a strong aerobic base will be beneficial for pretty much any performance athlete but is also beneficial to anyone that wants to live better also. Regardless of sport or activity, being able to produce more energy that the working muscles require through aerobic metabolism instead of the anaerobic pathways means greater endurance and the ability to push a frantic pace from start to finish.
There are several methods that are used to improve the aerobic system's ability to produce energy that can dont require the gym and minimal equipment.
Cardiac Output
Increases the size of the left ventricle in the heart so that more oxygenated blood can be transported throughout the body.
Keep HR between 130-150bpm for 30-60mins. This can be done with a HR monitor or even random checks with a optical sensor app on a smartphone. Any piece of cardio equipment or activity can be used such as skipping, running or cycling.
Prescribe to minimal effective dose. Begin at 30 mins 2-4 times per week and then gradually over time increase duration of each session.
*BW Circuit
3 pull ups / 3 burpees if no bar
5 hand release push ups
10 prisoner squats
0-5mins, Shadow Boxing
Focus on straight punches to:
- Maintain range
- Close the distance
Angling off/Defensive awareness at the end of each individual strike or combination i.e. Slips, rolls, pulls, pops, blocks, parries, posts, down blocks and sprawls.
BW Circuit/Running/Skipping
10-15mins, Shadow Boxing Focus on straight punches to circular punches:
- Check hook as opponent rushes in. Uppercut if he rushes in with his head down.
- Rear hook when opponent tries to create space after you have closed the distance.
BW Circuit/Running/Skipping
20-25mins, Shadow Boxing Straight punches to circular punches or setting up kicks/grappling.
- Punches being used as the smoke bomb to set up other offense.
- Not every strike has to land, but they should all serve a purpose.
- Factor in opponent responses to being kicked, such as kicking back or catching the kick. How would you deal with those?
BW Circuit/Running/Skipping
30-35mins, Shadow Boxing
Fight simulation round against a dangerous striker with one punch ko power that has shown to be susceptible in wrestling and grappling exchanges. Approach the round against this type of opponent, how would you start exchanges? Would you wait and try to counter? How would you take away his most dangerous weapons?
BW Circuit/Running/Skipping
Fight simulation round against a grappler that attacks with lower body takedowns and has a high finish rate once he/she gets opponents down.
BW Circuit/Running/Skipping
50-55mins Fight simulation round against an unorthodox striker that likes to throw strikes from weird angles and lots of spinning attacks. You feel like the fight would be safest at close range to negate the spinning attacks.
BW Circuit
Explosive Repeat
Improves the oxidative abilities of the fast twitch muscle fibres by being able to recover faster inbetween explosive bursts.
Upper body- Explosive push ups
Lower body- Double leg bounds
8-10s at max intensity
Active recovery for 60s, jumping jacks, light shadow boxing, walking etc.
10-20 sets per upper/lower body exercise.
1-2 times a week
Prescribe to minimal effective dose, more is not better. Slowly increase sets by 1 or 2 per 1-2 weeks.
Simon McGovern
Simon McGovern is a lifelong Martial Artist with experience in multiple disciplines. The BJJ black belt is hugely respected as both a coach and competitor.
I have been fortunate enough to be asked to contribute by the Warrior Collective on the type of training I find of benefit to me. We are finding ourselves isolated away from our gyms and, for many, with very little, or no equipment available. During this time we are finding ourselves adapting our lifestyle. Before I begin a disclaimer is needed. I am 44 years old. I am not a professional athlete. I now only train and compete for pleasure. I do not claim to be a qualified strength and conditioning coach. Nor am I an expert in the field of health and fitness. I am not a social media influencer, and I do not represent any brands in which I would try to sell you a product or concept. This is not a 'how to guide' and I hope you will look further into the correct understanding of form and its function before attempting and of the types of exercise I enjoy. I would never wish to step out of my lane and claim to be anything other than a lifelong enthusiast of physical and martial culture. What I am is a martial artist for the past 38 years during which time I have been fortunate to train with a lot of experts in the field of health, fitness, strength, and combat arts. I run my own school where I teach the martial arts of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Submission Wrestling, Jeet Kune Do, and Muay Thai. I am also at the time of writing this a 3rd year degree student of Osteopathy.
With the above in mind there are simple things that I like to do. Things that I feel give me the most bang for my buck. Under normal circumstances I lift. I lift mostly around 70-80% of my 1 rep max (1RM), and every few weeks I will build up to a heavy 1RM dependant on how I feel, any niggles or injuries, or the desire. This is purely for my own personal 'ego' lift. As I get older I still like to challenge myself and see what I can do as well as maintaining a general level of strength and health. I try to do deadlifts, squats, pushes, and pull up as often as I can. Mixed with linear movements, I also like training which incorporates transverse movement, these are movements that require some form of lateral rotation. For this I use heavy bag work and floor bag movements to for my striking and grappling, as well as bands, medicine balls, Kettlebells and Macebells. If you have very little space and time for lifting you can't beat the Kettlebell (KB). You need a decent weight to use and I find people who start with a very low weight within an hour already need to move up to heavier. There are many variations of movement but these are a few I like that if I had limited time to show someone it would be these:
The swing.
The snatch.
Turkish get up.
The windmill.
Front squat and press.
The single and double grip Kettlebell swing hinges at the hips and the hip thrust into extension forces the KB forward. The weight of the KB falling back is absorbed by the hips flexion, engaging and coiling the posterior chain ready to repeat the movement.
The single hand snatch utilises the same swing motion however the hip extension, combined with a vertical pull, sends the KB up and finishes catching the weight at its full, end range of the motion.
The Turkish get up is not a technique to be rushed during its application. The whole body is engaged and kept under tension throughout the exercise making it a great full body conditioning tool.
The windmill engages the shoulder, core , hips, and glutes to name a few. It's a great exercise for general health and shoulder stability.
The front squat and press utilises a full, deep squat then on full body extension, presses the KB to full height. It uses both upper and lower body muscles and, as with the other exercises, attacks many muscle groups in one hit.
So what if you don't have any equipment available to you? The answer is simple: start moving. Movement is health always. Engage the muscles, move the joints. Run, climb, roll, jump, pull, push, throw. At home it's very simple to do variations of exercises. Push up, box jumps, rope climbs, pull ups. Use your imagination to modify everything, but get moving. If you can hold it and it has weight, you can use it. Stay healthy, have fun, keep moving.
Lyubo Kumbarov
Lyubo Kumbarov is without doubt one of the best Wrestling coaches in the world today. The multiple times Bulgarian National Champion and Iowa State outstanding wrestler award winner is much sought after all across the globe.
Solo Workouts
Pull Up Bar
Holding onto the bar for 10-15 sec..
Front Grip
Back Grip
Mix Grip
3 x 10 Pull Ups (front, back, mix grip)
3 x 10 Leg Lifts up or knee raises (all grips)
3 x 10 Swing Overs (all grips)
3 x 10 Letting go and grab
From Hold position (rotate left and right x 10)
Cycling in the Air x 10
3 x 10 Dips
3 x 10 Knee Raises
Body Weight
3 sets of 30 push ups
3 sets of 30 sit ups
3 sets of 30 squats
3 sets of 30 bridges
3 sets of 30 back ups
Between each set 10 burpees mid speed
To add Wrestling specific work you can also
Add shoots 30 secs
Add shoots with a hook 30 secs
Add shoots and sprawl 30 secs
Add forward/backward roll and shoot 30 secs
James Doolan
James Doolan is the founder and head coach of Higher Level Martial Arts in Whitburn, Scotland. The highly regarded BJJ black belt is not only a former elite level fighter, he has produced multiple UFC level athletes throughout his time coaching.
Solo Workouts
Pull Up Bar
Holding onto the bar for 10-15 sec..
Front Grip
Back Grip
Mix Grip
3 x 10 Pull Ups (front, back, mix grip)
3 x 10 Leg Lifts up or knee raises (all grips)
3 x 10 Swing Overs (all grips)
3 x 10 Letting go and grab
From Hold position (rotate left and right x 10)
Cycling in the Air x 10
3 x 10 Dips
3 x 10 Knee Raises
Body Weight
3 sets of 30 push ups
3 sets of 30 sit ups
3 sets of 30 squats
3 sets of 30 bridges
3 sets of 30 back ups
Between each set 10 burpees mid speed
To add Wrestling specific work you can also
Add shoots 30 secs
Add shoots with a hook 30 secs
Add shoots and sprawl 30 secs
Add forward/backward roll and shoot 30 secs
Keith Mclachlan
Keith Mclachlan is one of Scotland's most active and prolific Muay Thai fighters. The Griphouse coach has a long list of belts in his collection and is well regarded globally for his technical ability.
Home training.
Obviously the easiest one for everyone to do is to go running, making sure you keep the advised social distancing. I like to run in the morning when I wake up, especially now as there are less people on the streets.
If you cant do the long distance runs 3-5k is plenty. Running or walking at a good pace if that's what you can manage, trying to get faster each time you run.
Another one is the deck of cards app on your smart fone, you dont need any equipment to this. You can set the different suits to whatever exercise you want, I use the preset four of burpees, push ups, sit ups and squats. It works out at 104 of each exercise.
Most of the work I do is bodyweight exercises anyway.
If you have access to some equipment such as a kettlebell or dumbbells then these can be put in to your deck of cards or even just a work out.
I have access, at home, to most of the stuff I use at the gym i.e. heavy bag, boxing bag and a padman (if i can get him off his xbox), so most of the work I do at the gym can be done at home For bag drills I like to keep it simple. I use my boxing bag to work on hand speed in to power single shots.
On my banana bag (5ft) I look to push myself for 5 rounds as hard as possible.
To vary things up I sometimes do some tabata rnds (20sec on, 10 sec rest) work on it sometimes, when doing this I work on switching guards and hitting the same combo i.e. jab (left), cross(right), front hook (left) then switch guard then jab (right), cross(left), front hook(right)
Doing this for 5 rnds with different combos each round with last 30 secs blast out
Rnd 1 Jab, Cross, Hook (1-2 last 30 sec)
Rnd 2 Jab, front elbow, rear knee (elbows last 30 sec)
Rnd 3 Front teep, rear body kick (alternate teeps last 30)
Rnd 4 Jab, cross, body kick (alternate body kicks last 30)
Rnd 5 clinch n knee for power (speed knees last 30)
Most of this can be done as shadow boxing too for working on switching guard
A good bag blast is 5 rnds of 100 knees 20 burpees
Rich Cadden
Rich Cadden is a multiple times Muay Thai World Champion. A product of the globally renowned Bad Company Gym, he has since gone to open up his own world-class facility in the form of Chokdee Academy.
During this lockdown period we have been doing a core class at 10.30am, H.I.I.T. Class at 5pm then alternating boxing and thaiboxing classes at 6pm.
The 40min limit means that we can deliver the coaching in an effective manner then allow our clients to do the drills in their own time.
The core class working isometric strength and stability work through the hips, core, abs, shoulders and neck.
The high intensity interval training class working dynamic fitness, working in your lactic and anaerobic energy zones, playing with plyometric strength. Then allowing 20mins stretch and recovery before doing some coordination drills.
This means we work on our GPP (General Physical Preparedness) before our SSP (Sports Specific Preparedness) and then working on skill acquisition.
This is the pyramid that you will find in any quality strength and conditioning manual. The fact we are working on minimal dose response means that we can train pretty much every day. Structure is important, not only for physical health but also for mental health as well.
Sample core class
10 walkouts to plank
10 walkouts to cat stretch (on knees)
10 walkouts to dolphin
1 min plank
30sec side plank (left and right)
High plank to shoulder taps
Low plank to hip rolls
High plank to x 10 leg lifts (up and down, in and out) each leg 10x 1min sit ups (various styles of sit up each round)
Sample H.I.I.T. Class
1-min each exercise x 5 rounds
1. Star jumps
2. Press ups
3. Sit ups
4. Running (high knees)
5. Shin blocks
6. Squats
7. Spiderman press ups
8. V-ups
9. Squat jumps
10. Dying fly/Dead bugs
Sample Thai/Boxing class
5min skipping
5min stretch
5min footwork drills
15min skills acquisition (slow motion programming)
This could be punch delivery, head movement, twisting through kicks, sports specific body movements.
5_3's Shadow boxing, focusing on movements from the skill acquisition but in a faster, more dynamic fashion.
Eddie Abasolo
Eddie Abasolo is well renowned the world over for his incredible dexterity and skill. The WBC Champion is a big believer in thinking outside the box when it comes to training.
One of my many favorite drills to do on when I'm on my own that I can do anywhere is shadow box with a tennis ball. A tennis ball is very easy to get and I can bring it everywhere. The drill is to bounce the ball and try to throw as many strikes as I can.
My goal is to catch the ball before it hits the ground again. If you don't have a ball then use the timer on your phone and for 2 seconds at a time throw as many strikes as you can. The time in between as well as the duration of the workout is upon you. Give it a try and get creative with it.
Master Wong
Master Wong is probably one of the most well known Martial Arts figures in the world today thanks to his incredibly popular YouTube channel and videos.
Rene Dreifuss
Rene Dreifuss has spent a lifetime in Martial Arts. The New York based coach is the founder and head instructor of Radical MMA, one of the most popular and successful gyms in the city.
I feel a solo workout routine has to contain elements of full body strength and cardio conditioning, stretching and functional movements based on the skills and techniques used most commonly in combat.
I begin with a warm up routine that includes the following animal movements
Alligator Walks
Bear Crawls
Monkey Walks
Begin with a few sets of each, then depending on the individual's level of conditioning one can increase the reps and or add a weight vest. As one progresses work up in both weight and sets.
The next step is a shadow boxing routine followed by grappling movement drills.
Movement Drills
To finish I add a basic yoga stretching routine and short breath work.
Sophie Cox
Sophie Cox is a Team GB Judo Olympian, two times Judo World Champion and two times BJJ World Champion. She is also a hugely experienced coach and has played an extensive role in both the Sky Sports Initiative and British Judo Association.
I like doing the solo BJJ drills - there are quite a few videos to follow out there, but my preferred training at home consists of pilates and yoga for core strength, stability, activating the glutes and mobility. Sometimes I follow a class or sometimes I link a few moves together.
This is my favourite flow.
Yoga flow
Sun salutation into upward dog
Push back into downward dog
One leg forward for low lunge into warrior 1
Come up into warrior 2
Into humble warrior and then triangle
Back plank and then side-plank
Into downward dog, then jump into forward fold then chair pose. Finish standing.
Repeat on the other side.
I tend to add on a couple more core exercises such as supermans and bear crawls for 2 x 30 seconds on each exercise. I would also add some spine mobility at the end such as cat/cow and plough pose. Plus this great hip flexor stretch.
For upper body I like pull-ups either on the bar or supine with a broom between the chairs. I also like doing a few kettle bell exercises for overall body strength.
My favourites are;
Kettle Bell
Turkish Get-Ups - 3_6 each side
Single arm snatch - 2_12 each side
Squat and shoulder-press - 2_12 each side
Split squat with kettle bell extended upwards. 2_12 each side
My shoulders are tight from years of grappling so I like to do some shoulder mobility exercises with the band. These are great and you can do them anywhere.
Chest openers x 20
Round the world 10 times each side
Overhead squats x 10
Single arm rotations x 10
For all the above from the yoga to the shoulder openers should be about 30-40mins.
Reece Macallister
Reece Mcallister is a hugely respected Muay Thai fighter and professional Boxer based in the North East. Considered one of the most talented of his generation the World Champion is known for his peak condition in fights.
Reece Mcallister is a hugely respected Muay Thai fighter and professional Boxer based in the North East. Considered one of the most talented of his generation the World Champion is known for his peak condition in fights.
3 mile run
20 pressups x 5 sets
50 sit-ups x 5 sets
50 Mountain Climbers x 5 sets
Evan Jays
Evan Jays is a young, phenomenally talented Muay Thai fighter originally from the highly regarded Double K Gym. Now competing out of the equally brilliant Team Tieu in Central London.
So for my general home workout I would -
Do 10-20 minute skipping (depending if people have a skipping rope)
3_1 minuite rounds constant punching in the air, 1 minuite rest whilst doing squats.
Then I would do 5_3 minuite rounds full shadow boxing at a high pace, again with a 1 minuite break. Also working 10 push ups after every round.
Then I would do 200 push kicks in the air.
And 200 knees walking up and down in a straight line.
Always finish with some core, 100 sit-ups, 1 minuite plank.
And finish with a 10 min stretch
Craig Jose
Craig Jose is the founder and head coach of the highly respected Northern Kings Gym in Newcastle. A high level fighter himself, he now continues in this tradition by turning out elite athletes on a regular basis.
20 seconds isometric squad hold
20 air squats
20 hinge jumps
Its indefinite rounds. Just on the back of stretching and pad work. We call it 20's our gym record is 15 rounds without stopping nor losing form
Sample workout routine involving 20's
Good warm up 15mins at least.
Include 3min skipping
3 min shadow
4-10min dynamic stretching.
3 rounds of pads work
3x3min (1min rest)
3x3min (30sec rest)
3x4min (30sec rest)
Choose an option for your level.
Then 20's
20sec isometric wall squats
20reps air squats
20reps hinge jumps
Continuous rounds
Beginner (at least 5 rounds)
Intermediate (at least 8 rounds)
Advanced (at least 10 rounds)
NK RECORD is 15rounds.
Has to be correct form all the way through or they should stop. No rest
Jon Durrant
Jon Durrant is the founder and head coach of Durrants Gym in London. Highly skilled and experience in both professional Boxing and Kickboxing, Jon's gym is seen as home by a large number of elite level athletes.
I believe that one of the best exercises any fighter can do alone is shadow boxing. It's old gym wisdom that every time someone walks into your gym professing to have 'done this ' and 'done that' you get them to shadow box for a minute. As a coach much can be gleaned about a fighter by how they shadow box and for a fighter it is a time to practise footwork, technique and defence as well as be creative.
I do my first round just moving my feet, always adjusting range with a light front foot giving inches in and out. I start doing half steps on the back leg. And playing between both. I add pivots and fronts but still no punching so I am aware of everything my body should be doing before I even punch.
Next I add the jab for the second round , making sure after every jab I do something after in acknowledgement of the inevitable counter back whether I add a slip immediately after, a pull back or dip etc. I maintain the movement I started with in the first round.
The third round I add the cross and start adding more level changes as well especially after my cross to take my head away from the counter. I start using ways of setting up the cross through variations of jab and doubling up etc. I try and constantly change the pace which guarantees a hard workout.
Round 4 I add hooks, with the hooks I start rolling into them and off them then add them to the straight shots. Alternating between lots of shoulder movement of the straight shots to rolling movements onto big hooks. The fifth round I add everything body shots uppercuts, the whole repertoire.
Now I have all my shots I start consciously adjusting range showing how I select shots appropriate to my range and slightly changing the shot like the arc of my hook. The movement and anticipation has been maintained from round one.
I can set a timer and add more rounds but starting from the isolation phase working up always helps me warm into but also add the layers to my shadow boxing
Darren O'Connor
Darren O'Connor is a hugely respected Muay Thai fighter and coach based just outside of Liverpool. Founder and head instructor of Thai Style gym, he coaches elite level fighters of all ages.
Here's a workout anyone can do, the fitter you are the longer you will last. EMOM (Every On The Minute Every Minute), you have the full minute in which to do the exercises and take the rest of the minute as rest. Then on the minute you go again.
You can do this with anything such as burpees/pull ups/press ups etc. I'll use burpees for the example
1st minute: 1 burpee
2nd minute: 2 burpees
3rd minute: 3 burpees
4th minute: 4 burpees
And so on until you tap out. Bear in mind it will start like the easiest workout ever, but by the time you reach 8/9 minutes it will start getting tough as the work rate goes up and the rest gets shorter.
Matt Thorpe
Matt Thorpe has been a part of the UK MMA community for a long time. The M-1 Global fighter and renowned head coach of 12 Gauge MMA has been involved since before the sport found it's current mainstream popularity.
Some of my favourite solo training can be found below. I always like to start with a little movement based exercises to get the body moving then dive into some drills.
10 x Squats
10 x Lunges
10 x Side Lunges
10 x Press Ups
Repeat twice
Drill 1:
Line Footwork drill:
1 x 3 mins
Forwards 1-2
Backwards 1-2
Left 1-2
Right 1-2
Moving in a line attach your punches to your steps moving in the direction stated above. Have a start and an end point to your line and repeat for the 3 mins.
Drill 2:
Isolated shadow boxing
1 x 3 min round - jab only with your movement. Concentrate on movement using your jab in all directions and switching stances. Be creative with the jab throwing at different levels etc..
1 x 3 min round - Lead only. Throw shots only from your lead side. Again make sure you mix in your stance switch.
1 x 3 min round - Free shadow boxing. Throw what ever you would like.
Drill 3: Grappling Flow Drill
Sprawl - Sit Through - Butt Scoot - Technical Stand Up - Duck Walk
1 x 3 min round - Combine the above movements into a flow. You can make endless flows with the different grappling drills available. This is a great example, feel free to be creative.
George Mann
George is a young Scottish fighter who has been competing at the highest level of Muay Thai for years now. Now signed to ONE Championship he is looking to add to his already vast collection of wins and titles.
30 minute session
10 minute Warm up:
3 minute skip
5 Squats (slow pace)
5 push ups (slow pace)
5 lunges (slow pace)
3 minute skip
5-10 squats
5-10 push ups
5-10 lunges
1-2 minute rest depending on time remaining.
Body of the work out (10 minute)
EMOM (Every minute on the minute)
Set 1- 10-12 deep squats
Set 2- 10-12 lunges
Repeat for 10 minutes. Remaining time leftover after your exercises is your rest. Once the next minute begins, you move onto the next exercise.
Final Part of the workout
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
Set 1- leg raises
Set 2- V ups
Complete 5 rounds of the above. 1 round = 1 set of leg raises + 1 set of V ups.
Finisher: 100 sit ups. (Weighted if possible)
Leigh Remedios
Leigh Remedios is a hugely respected UK BJJ Brown belt and professional MMA fighter. Something of an OG, he has been in the game for a long time and is seen as one of the trail blazers of the British scene.
I do a bodyweight strength workout. I used to powerlift but the lumbar loading took its toll and I'm still very strong with calisthenics. I do dips, pull ups, handstand pushups and single leg squats plus a few others.
You can hang some weight around your waist with a judo belt if you're a little guy or very strong. Gymnastic rings add some versatility, too and allow you to do 360 pulls, levers etc. I never go to failure, as it's not necessary and the recovery eats into my jiujitsu. I tend to do all my exercises in one session, which takes about 40 minutes. I do it once per week but increase it to twice a week if I'm trying to gain muscle for a comp.
I use around 70% of my max; a good rule of thumb is being able to accelerate the movement. If I can't, it's too heavy. If I can leave the bar, I need more weight. 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise. It's nice not having my CNS fried after a workout.
A typical workout for me would be something like:
Dips 5_5
Pull ups 5_5
Handstand pushups 5_5
360 pulls 5_5
Bulgarian split squats 5_5
Back hyperextensions 5_5
Thom Whillock
Thom Whillock is the founder and head coach of the Norwegian Combat Academy in Norway. A hugely popular and sought after striking coach, he is also a highly experienced conditioning expert as well.
A simple and easy way to produce many hours of home training by yourself or with a partner is to create a session plan that allows for interchangeable attack, defense and counter, this can be done alone via shadowing, or drills with shin pads and gloves or Thai/boxing pads if you have a partner.
The set up is:
(3-4 minute rounds - 1 minute rest)
Round 1 - footwork only
Round 2 - combinations A and B
Round 3 - defense A and B
Round 4 - counter A and B
Round 5 + combine the entire sequence as a whole (move, attack, defend, counter, move)
You will need to create a few things first (I have given a simple example in parentheses for someone with good boxing but who tends to get body kicked while coming forward to box.
Combination A (jab cross)
Combination B (jab cross hook)
Defense A (block the body kick)
Defense B (block the body kick other side)
Counter A (hook + cross)
Counter B (cross + hook)
These can be anything you like (or dislike, focus on your weaknesses) you can build all aspects to suit your style and strengths or your weaknesses.
Here are a few ways you can get creative:
Use a cone/pot/bottle top on the floor to symbolize ring center
Defend kicks/knees after punches
Defend punches after kicks/knees
Movement can be defense too
Protect the body - counter to the head
Protect the head - counter to the body
Slip, duck, roll, pull, catch, parry, etc punches
Block, hollow, pass, catch, parry, etc kicks
Combine arms and legs in attacks
Combine arms and legs in counters
To add to your strength, add an exercise tax to your house, simple rules like:
10 push ups to enter bedroom
50 burpees to use ps/Xbox/pc
10 crunches to get on the sofa
50 squats to turn on the tv
10 push ups to open Instagram/Facebook app
The reps will add up!!
Peter Irving
Peter Irving is a BJJ Black belt and professional MMA fighter based up in Newcastle. The Itaipava founder and head coach is world respected for both his grappling and his unparalleled amount of combat sport experience.
Solo training
If you're lucky enough to have weights set up in your garage, then good for you. Now is the perfect time to be getting strong by shifting heavy iron while you haven't got to do all the stuff our sports require like sparring. Since there's no 'off season' for MMA, Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai etc. in the way that amateur wrestling or Boxing has, we're normally stuck with only the December/January time when the shows and tournaments all wrap up. This is a great opportunity to accept the tax on the nervous system by going heavy.
Chances are though that you don't have much, if any equipment at home, and possibly very little space. If you're super motivated, then all you need is a floor. There's nothing wrong with the old 'Prison workouts', I'm a big fan of high reps and variations on push ups, sit-ups and squats/lunges with bodyweight. There's a heap of good resources out there for more adventurous callisthenics. There's enough challenging stuff in Gymnastics before you even need to go near a sprung floor or any other equipment.
Still, there's only so many floor exercises and shadow rounds you can do before your mind starts to wander. This is a good time to get creative and start making your own equipment, and using what you have to challenge your strength.
I'm a big fan of grip training, as it's obviously applicable if you're a grappler, especially one that uses the gi. Even for pure strikers though, there's obvious value in having robust fingers, wrists and forearms to injury proof yourself for when you go back to smashing your hands into people's heads.
Here's some old school ideas for utilising things you have around the house that don't require much space.
Towels- there's a heap of stuff you can do with your gym towel.
Wringing the towel - Just soak it thoroughly and twist it until every drop comes out, and I mean every drop. Be sure to work both directions with both hands. Normally your dominant hand wants to roll the towel forwards and the other hand pulls back and secures the towel in place. Do equal turns with both hands. The towel will get damaged eventually so don't use your best ones that only go out when you've got company.
Snapping the towel - Get a good grip on the top corners, palms down, and train snap downs by whipping the towel away and pulling your elbows in to your hips. Keep your feet moving and treat the towel like an opponent, circling, down blocking and sprawling. Make the towel heavier by soaking it for the wringing training.
Shaolin spear - My MMA trainer Alan Orr taught me some conditioning exercises with the staff/spear. Alan is a master of Kung Fu, so had the actual spears and poles made specifically for Kung Fu. Since I didn't have one I just used a heavy outdoor sweeping brush. From standing- Grip the brush handle. Keep the shoulder neutral, ie. Don't shrug, don't slouch. Essentially stand to attention. Raise the brush head off the floor using only the rotation of the wrist to strengthen the forearm and train the tendon strength in the hand. Start with the grip closer the the middle, until you can lift it from the very end of the broom handle.
Chairs- A pair of chairs is a useful substitute for paralettes for training your L-sit, dips etc. Try gripping the bottom of one leg and attempt to lift it whilst keeping the seat level. Imagine you're balancing a full glass on the seat. Obviously it depends how heavy your furniture is, but it's challenging. Trying from your knees, or seated.
20/20 - One of my all time favourite set routines is the 20/20. My strength coach Leon Robotham (Unity Gym/Crossfit North East England) gave us this one years ago and it's been a favourite ever since. I believe it was from Stan Pike, the blacksmith that was one of the first guys producing kettlebells in the U.K., back when they were an arcane and mysterious bit of Soviet equipment.
The routine is real simple - 19 swings + 1 burpee, 18 swings + 2 burpees, and so on till you do 19 burpees and 1 swing.
Great little finisher for that real fight feel on your legs and lungs.
Obviously for a lot of the technical stuff you do with a KB you need a proper Bell with a properly shaped handle, but the basic 2 handed swing, that you can improvise with all sorts of things. Fill a rucksack with some sand bags, a charcoal bag from your barbecue that you can't invite anyone to, a large plant pot. By experimenting with odd objects you'll find an extra element of grip challenges to get a hold of stuff that wasn't intended to be gripped.
Looking for stuff to turn into training equipment and experimenting is half the fun. Good luck, and don't try to sue me if you drop anything on your feet or wreck your Mam's best towels.
Craig Ewers
Craig Ewers is a world-renowned Judo and BJJ athlete. Hugely accomplished in both disciplines, the multiple times World Champion is much sought after because of his experience in transitioning effectively between the two grappling styles.
Unless your fortunate to have a home gym, times are hard for anyone looking to build strength during this period!
That being said I think some strength can be maintained with the programme below.
Standard sets of 3 x 10 can be boring with body weight exercises so we're going to use 'Escalating Density Training' (EDT) to build work capacity & endurance, with the following exercise pairings_
* Push-Up variation (can be full or from kneeling depending on strength).
* Bulgarian Split-Squat.
* Resistance Band, Pull Aparts
* Squat with Isometric holds (pause at various points of the squat for 3 seconds; vary the height of the pause each set).
* RKC plank variation (try to create as much tension as possible in the hold)
* ISO hold Y, T, W's hold 10" each position.
Perform 10 minutes of a pairing, alternating between exercises before moving onto to the next paring.
10 reps on each exercise; for the 3rd block use 30 seconds instead of counting reps.
Rest briefly during the pairings if required.
The aim is to get as much work done in the 10' pairings as possible; with the goal of improving total work done session to session.
Alternate days Aerobic capacity can be trained (20-30' 130-150pm) with any form of aerobic exercise you prefer.
Most important consideration; is not to train if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 & if you have been ill, consult a physician before resuming any training programme.
Links for Exercises
* Push-Up variation (can be full or from kneeling depending on strength).
* Bulgarian Split-Squat.
* Resistance Band, Pull Aparts
* Squat with Isometric holds (pause at various points of the squat for 3 seconds; vary the height of the pause each set).
* RKC plank variation (try to create as much tension as possible in the hold)
* ISO hold Y, T, W's hold 10" each position.
Craig Coakley
Craig Coakley is a highly prominent Irish Muay Thai fighter. The Ireland No 1 is known for his aggressive fighting style and durability in the ring.
Core Workout
It can be adapted to make it as hard or as easy as you would like.
30 seconds plank
30 seconds high plank
30 seconds plank
after 3 sets you take 30 seconds rest
Switch to
30 seconds left side plank
30 seconds plank
30 seconds right side plank
after 3 sets you take 30 seconds rest
Last round
30 seconds sit ups
30 seconds leg raises
30 seconds bike.
after 3 sets you take 30 seconds rest
You can adjust time to make it harder or easier or put your own spin on it with different types of planks.
Simeon Kyurchiev
Simeon Kyurchiev is a multiple times Bulgarian National Kyokushin Karate Champion and head coach of the fantastic Elite Martial Arts in Richmond, London.
I am normally a very simple man a firm believer that simple workouts are the best. Here is a glimpse of a normal workout by myself.
I spend 5-7 to get a good warm up and then I pick up my kettlebell (20kg) and I do different drills with it (snatch, swing, squads etc). I normally do 10 rounds of 30 to 40 reps each round and between rounds I do 100 sit ups and 150 neck crunches (this is my rest time between rounds).
Then I do 200 pull ups (I have a pull up bar in my kitchen which anyone can really buy for _10 online) and 200 dips (using 2 chairs in my kitchen). And 200 squads.
So I basically do 10 pull ups, 10 squads and 10 dips and this is 1 round. I rest about 10 -20 sec between rounds.
I finish with skipping on a rope trying to do 3 rounds of 5 min and after I spend a good 10 min to stretch down followed by a cold shower and a healthy meal.
When I train outside I normally do 10km jog with dumbbells in my hands (1.5kg each) and then I do 10 uphill sprints (about 40meters each) and followed by 500 uphill lunges.
I finish with a good 10 min stretch.
Thats it pretty much, a very simple and a while body strength and conditioning workout.
Bruno Amorim
Bruno Amorim is well regarded as one of the world's best BJJ athletes. The Mundial and Brazilian National Champion is now also a much sought after coach.
So I like to do this very simple 100 reps challenge:
1. 1 Dead hang on a pull-up bar and bring your toes to the bar 2. 1 Pull up
3. 1 squat
4. 1 push-up
Repeat for 100 times.
If no pull up bar available or just to bring the heart rate up a little more:
1. 1 Jump squat
2. 5 mountain climbers
3. 1 clapping pushup
Repeat 50 times
Tom Barlow
Tom Barlow is one of the most successful BJJ athletes to have ever come out of the UK. The multiple times World Champion is a Black belt under the legendary Braulio Estima.
This is one of my favourite solo drilling workouts, it's based around Jiu Jitsu movement's so I'm developing movement patterns whilst getting a sweat on.
The workout itself is a little deceptive. It starts out pretty gently with some mobility work then progressively gets more challenging as you work down the list. By the end of the 15 exercises your legs are on fire and you're gasping for air.
Here's the workout:
1 min per exercise
1. Rolling Hips Side to Side
2. S Stretch Switch (With Hip Lift
3. Low Squat / Knee touch
4. Hip Twist
5. Lunge / Hamstring
6. Windmill (lunge + thoracic twist)
7. Flat Arm Cirlces
8. Scorpion (Hand on Front)
9. Back Roll Variations
10. Berimbolo Variations
11. Triangles
12. Sweep Movement
13. Hip Heist
14. Step Ups
15. Jump Rounds
16. Knee on Belly Switch
17. Top Spin
18. Drop Steps
19. Sit Through
20. Sprawls
Garie Tang
Garie Tang is a Singapore born professional MMA fighter and Wrestler. The Martial Arts standout is now on the UFC performance acceleration program is tipped for being things.
Locomotion Training has tons of benefits, which include, improvement in strength, mobility, body control and coordination. The best part about Locomotion/Movement Training is that you require absolutely ZERO equipment.
One of my favourite movements is called the *Caterpillar Walk*.
The Caterpillar Walk is a great movement for training your
mobility/flexibility and strength in the posterior chain and shoulders,
which will help greatly and translates to many Cage Wrestling, Wrestling,
Grappling and Ground & Pound scenarios. (Some common scenarios include
Pressure Passing sequences, Breaking the Closed Guard, Double Under Passes
and the Tripod Position.) It's also a great workout for the core if you do
it with control!
Start in a DOWNWARD DOG position. Straighten and lock your knees, pushing
your heels to the ground, your head through your arms, lifting your hips
towards the ceiling.
Step 2: *Walking with your HANDS*
Slowly, walk your hands as far forward as you possibly can while keeping
your legs straight and knees locked. Hold it there for a couple seconds.
Step 3: *Walking with your FEET*
Slowly, walk with your feet towards your hands. You want to try to move
your feet as close to your hands as possible while still keeping your leg
straight and the knees locked. The ideal position you want to end up in is
with your feet in between your hands. If you're not able to get to hand
level while keeping your knees locked, just get as far as you can (while
still locking your knees!) Hold it for a couple seconds. You will feel a
great stretch on your hamstrings and calves.
Keep walking forward by repeating Steps 2 and 3 again until you reach the
end of your room.
Step 4: *The Opposite Direction*
Once you've reached the end of your room, repeat the same thing with the
feet moving first this time by walking with your feet backwards first then
your hands towards your feet.
*Limited Space*
If you have limited space, you can do this exercise on the spot by going
HANDS (Forward), FEET (Forward), FEET (Backwards), HANDS (Backwards).
You can do about 10 reps per set of this if you have limited space, if not
you can just move all the way to the end of the room and back for 1 set.
If you find it EASY, add some PUSH UPS in between every rep when you hit a
PUSH UP position while moving. Or you can simply do the PUSH UPS every time
you reach the end of the room.
Have fun!
David Onuma
David Onuma is one of the best BJJ Black belts and grappling coaches in the UK today. Hugely successful in both Gi and No-Gi, he is much sought after the world over for his technical instruction.
I am a big fan of LADDER training as they are versatile and allow your to be creative.
A couple of my favourite would be
Press-ups & Squats.
So 1 press-up and 10 squats
2 press-ups and 9 squats,
working all the way until you get to 10 press-ups and 1 squat.
Another simple method I use is to set a time_.say 10 minutes and then pick 3 exercises.
You then do 10 of each exercise rotating them continuously until the time runs out.
You could choose Press-ups, Jumping jacks and some sort of stomach exercise. I like to use different body parts as you don't fatigue as quickly and you get more of a fuller body work out
Richard Smith
Richard Smith is the founder/head coach of the globally renowned Yokkao sponsored super gym Bad Company in Leeds. The hugely prominent Mr Smith has produced a large number of the UK's best Muay Thai fighters over the past number of decades.
I personally like to mix upper body, lower body and core exercises up and down the intensity.
This can be done on the bag or shadow boxing with or without weights. 5_3 minute rounds (2min if you want to build up)
Round 1 4 punches (keep changing the combination)
1 press up
4 punches 2 x jumping lunge (or just lunge if you want easier) 4 punches 3 x sit up.
Back to the beginning.
Repeat for the round
Round 2
10 x push kick (bag or mid air - lift the knee high)
1 x burpee
9 x push kick
2 x burpee
8 x push kick
3 X burpee etc up to 1 push kick, 10 burpee and back down again for the round.
Round 3
10 x swing knee (to bag or against the wall)
1 x press up
10 x swing knee
2 x jumping squat
10 x swing knee
3 x V sit
Back to the beginning.
Repeat for full round
Round 4 Hamstring stretch, hands to floor, walk out on hands to press up and walk back on hands to hamstring stretch.
Repeat for 2 press ups
Repeat for 3 press ups
Up to 10 press ups and back down again. For the round.
Round 5
20 seconds shadow boxing or bagwork
10 seconds fast punching blitz (shadow boxing or on bag).
Repeat for the round.
Press ups 20s, 10s rest X4
Plank elbows to hands up and down 20s, 10s rest X4
Mountain climber 20s, 10s rest X4
Abdominal crunch 20s, 10s rest X4
Jumping Squat 20s, 10s resr X4
Triceps press-up 20s, 10s rest X4
Verity Stephens
Verity Stephens is a Judo Black belt and Team GB Judo team member. The hugely popular coach is well respected for her coaching style and methods.
For me the classic workout is - "Hill Sprints"
All you need is a hill, a cone (marker of any kind, a hoodie/water bottle would do!), and a GymBoss app (it's free) on your phone.
1Min30sec rounds (could increase your round time to tailor to your sports demands) x 8-12 reps (depending on fitness level)
Run from marker one up the hill and drop your second marker at the 20seconds point on your first run up the hill, this is going to be the distance you have to cover every rep now. The idea is to be doing the hard uphill work for 20-30seconds max as fast/hard as you can go then you have a jog back down the hill to marker one. Any time left over when you are at the bottom is your rest.
If you don't manage 12, then you can rest for a 1min30 period and then tag a further 2 reps on the end_ if you manage 12 you're a fit beast and can go home happy without adding two on the end!
Sam Creasey
Sam Creasey is a professional UK MMA fighter. The Cage Warriors veteran is well known for his physical conditioning and unorthodox striking style.
My workouts are as follows, the first is a high intensity style circuit to mimic fight pace, second is a little slower paced, I like to think of it as building the gas tank.
Workout 1 -
60 seconds straight punches fast as you can.
60 seconds sprawl to knee (sprawl, on returning to your feet go straight into two knees)
60 seconds sprawl - shoot (sprawl then immediately shoot for a double leg before you return to your fighting stance)
Workout 2 - for this workout you will place a timer on (I use 15 mins) try to I complete as many rounds as possible.
5 pull ups
10 squats
15 press ups
20 jump lunges
Dean Barthelemy
Dean Barthelemy is the Head MMA coach at the renowned Roger Gracie Academy in London. Both a Black belt in Judo and BJJ, he is hugely experienced in transitioning between the different ranges required to compete in MMA.
Couple of drills I like to do, first one for cardio.
Pick any exercise could be jogging on the spot or mountain climbers whatever you can do at two different speeds, those being a slower tempo and a sprint speed.
Now this is the cool bit, put some fights on the tv. Using jogging as the example start at a regular pace when the fight starts, and every time the fight picks up a pace pick up the jogging pace. So when the fight action is really going or in a tough grinding position you should be all out sprinting, then when the pace slows slow down to a jog.
This way you can set your workout for 3_5 or 5_5 rounds and mirror a fight pace, and get to watch some fights too.
An alternative would be to just have the jog as the regular tempo and when the fight picks up do burpees for the increased pace duration.
Second drill is simply shadow boxing but I like to call it shadow drilling. Intent here is to pick a combination and repeat that same combination to create muscle memory.
Example I might throw jab, cross, hook right low kick from an orthodox stance and I will repeat as many times as I can in the round. Next round I move on to another combination, and I can do this with strikes, shots, sprawls, etc.
So this drill helps build a catalogue of combinations that become second nature with no thought to execute, but requires you to visualise the fight scenario. Both of these you can do in isolation with little to no equipment but maybe your phone.
Adam Welford
Adam Welford is the head coach of Team Red Star in Leicester. The GB Judo athlete has competed in and won multiple tournaments at high level. He has coached other athletes to similar success.
This is the Randy Couture workout we love at Team Red Star Judo. (Or when we feel like puking we hate). But very easy and relatively low weights as the high reps so safe
David Breed
David Breed is the founder and head instructor of Evade Balckbelt schools in the UK. The Kickboxing and Kick-Jitsu World Champion is a hugely popular instructor and well respected across all combat systems.
At home personal workout.
On many occasions on trips abroad to compete, I found myself in hotels and having to train in my room so I just cleared a space and did this circuit. No fancy gym required.
This has become a 'goto' workout for me for many years, not just now we're finding ourselves training at home and sometimes in limited or cramped spaces. It requires little equipment, a skipping rope if you have one, if not I use a step or box and instead of skipping alternate different kinds of step ups, front steps, side lateral steps or another speed exercise (i.e high knees running on the spot, speed star jumps)
Skipping, I believe is one of the very best forms of exercise you can do, as your skill develops, the variety of footwork you can do keeps it something you can always improve upon and this transfers over to your martial skills, you'll become noticeably lighter and quicker on your feet. Skipping also 'rebounds' the body, the bouncing off the floor shakes the whole system which is similar to rebounding on a trampoline, shown to be one of the most beneficial forms of exercise for health due to its effect on lymphatic drainage and circulation. Rebounding has been quoted by NASA as, "the most efficient and effective exercise devised by man.", so I like to skip regularly to know I'm ticking that box.
The circuit mixes between speed and strength work, so it'll stretch your lungs plus keep you in or get you in good condition. I've always write down the reps completed in a time period rather than give myself a specific number to attempt. The simple task of writing in my reps achieved in a certain time frame always motivates me to try to beat it and gives a good reference at my current condition.
I chose a selection of exercises that I can do anywhere, ones that make sure I hit all over my body, doing the bigger movements at the beginning, moving to smaller muscles as I work towards the end finishing with a core exercise, all the movements can be easily changed for any alternative that works the same body parts.
I find if I'm limited for time I just do one column, each one takes just 12 minutes but time permitting I aim to do all 3 columns attempting to beat each previous exercise if I can. Hope you enjoy the workout!
When skipping mix up the footwork each set (if you can) & skip as quick as possible.
Each exercise perform as many reps as possible, fast as you can but not rushed.
In the white spaces below, fill in the number of reps you performed. Using this as a target for improvement each set/workout. Do one full column working from top to bottom before repeating. Each column takes 12 minutes to complete.
Worksheet Download
High-Intensity Jump Rope Training Circuit
EXERCISE Circuit #1 Circuit #2 Circuit #3
Repeat 3 x
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Burpee - any kind: 50 seconds, 10 seconds rest
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Push-ups & alternating twist & reach: 50 seconds, 10 seconds rest
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Alternate Jumping lunges: 50 seconds, 10 seconds rest
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Chair tricep Dips: 50 seconds, 10 seconds rest
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Twist sit ups: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Jump Rope: 50 seconds, 10
seconds rest
Break Dance Planks: 50
seconds, 10 seconds rest
Owen Roddy
Owen Roddy is universally well known as UFC fighter Conor McGregor's main striking coach. The professional MMA fighter left fighting to concentrate on coaching and is now hugely sought after globally for his training methods.
My home workout would be
3x3mins skipping
3x3mins shadow boxing/kickboxing with Sprawls.
Finish each round with 10 push ups, sit ups & squats
5 sets of 8 kettlebell swings
Finish with stretching program.
I also do this if I'm in a hurry 4 min tabata. Only did 7 drills in the video as I forgot but the 8th drill is in description.
John Wayne Parr
John Wayne Parr is the most successful Muay Thai fighter to have ever come out of Australia. The hugely popular multiple times World Champion has competed on the biggest promotions across the globe.
If you are going to shadow box image a 10c piece and make all your punches hit the same target. No point throwing a long jab and then a short hook. When kicking both sides imagine a steel rod down your spine. As you kick try and keep you head still while pivoting your kick.
Shadowboxing is trying to be a little more perfect then the day before. You want to flow from technique to technique, maintaining maximum power whilst keeping balance the whole time. If you have the radio on and a good music in the background just go until your tired.
Jay Jauncey
Jay Jauncey is the head coach at his family gym WKX Kickboxing in Vancouver. The Canadian striking coach is hugely experienced in elite level Kickboxing having helped his brother, Glory Kickboxing's uber talent Josh Jauncey, get to the top of the World rankings.
For a solo workout alone if you have a decent amount of space what I like to do is set up cones (or any objects you have) in two lines, five on each side like this.
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Now you will work mainly on foot work. Make sure the space inbetween each cone/object is enough for you to go in between. First round you will only move, fake and find angles. You start on the line of cones to your left and move, step, fake in any order you like but making sure u fake a few times at each cone and making sure your back foot is following your front foot and your stance isnt getting too wide. All while moving through all 5 of them like a slalom and finding angles on both sides. Once u get to the end of the cones you move over to the cones on the right and go through these the same way but moving backwards again only footwork, fakes and angles.
Make sure you imagine an opponent at each cone/object and each opponent is reacting differently. You can also always change up your hand positioning/guard and put your hands out as if to control an opponents arms or push them off balance.
2nd round everything is the same except now you are also allowed to include the jab as well as your footwork, angles, and fakes.
3rd round you can now include both hands but straight punches only as well as all the previous things.
4th round all punches can be included aswell as everything else still the main focus is footwork for every round in this drill.
5th round you may now add low kicks, some where you spin all the way around and some where you control it and dont spin.
6th round you add any strike now still focusing on footwork and balance while moving forward, backward, and both sides.
Amir Khan
Amir Khan is a Singaporean born MMA fighter and regarded as one of the best in his weight class within ONE Championship. The Evolve MMA Fight Team member is renowned for his physical conditioning and fitness.
What do I do during isolation period?
I do lots and lots of shadow boxing , sometimes I feel we underused this power training method.
Shadowboxing is a great tool that allows you to work on your structure of your martial art technique, makes you creative and makes your mind sharp. However you can't simply just throw punches in the air to get good results. In order to make the most out of it, you would have to shadowboxing almost as if you are sparring .
Visualise your opponent right in front of you , placed your shots in specific targets of you opponent , imagine that while attacking your opponent is throwing back at you as well (block, parry, slip , dodge , move out the way etc) . Utilise proper footwork and movement. With this kind of shadow boxing , you can almost mimick sparring and get a whole workout out of it.
For conditioning: since I'm isolated and have limited amount of space I work on explosive plyo exercises . Explosive push ups , squat jumps , burpees , jumping lunges etc : any kind of plyo based movements.
I usually work in sets of 6-10(upper body ) and 6-10(lower body) . I recommend when first starting in this your working rate should be 10s work, 50s rest and once you think it's not so challenging move to 12s work 40s rest and if that is still too easy go up to 14s work, 30s rest !
Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown is a young British fighter currently part of the globally renowned Yokkao Fight Team based in Thailand. The WBC and ISKA Champion is well regarded for his cool composure and relentless attacking fighting style.
Out in Thailand the volume of training can be ridiculously high and that increases the risk for both injury and overtraining for myself. So I'd do a few lighter workouts myself in the morning after my run of approx 5-10km depending on how far the fight was.
I'd then shadow box for 2-3 rounds at 4 minuets working and a minuet rest.
Then I'd pick up a set of 1kg dumbbells (the little colourful rubber ones that just fit in your palms) and then do a shoulder endurance workout to keep my joints healthy and keep my arms in shape from all the punching and clinching I was doing.
It would go:
1 min jab crosses
1 min uppercuts
Repeat for 4 mins
Then onto raises:
1 min lateral raises
1 min vertical raises
1 min alternate push presses ie punching the sky 30 secs lateral rotations clockwise then 30 secs anti-clockwise
I'd rest and repeat for possibly 2-3 sets of all of these but never to complete failure as I still had a lot of training to go in the afternoon. Just enough to get the training affect and get a sweat going.
Then other accessory work like:
Chin ups 50
Press-ups 100
Knees on the bag 200
Sit-ups 200
Foam rolling & stretching 10-20min
All pretty relaxed not too intense as it's to set me up for the hard pads, clinching and other conditioning I'll have to do later in the afternoon.
That's one of my go to sessions when I'm fight camp that needs little to no equipment you could use anything with a little weight on it and even do it one handed if need be and just alternate every 30 seconds
Keep working hard, stay safe peeps and always stay sexy!
Jason Woodhams
Jason Woodhams is a hugely experience Muay Thai practitioner and coach. The Dubai based instructor has garnered a serious amount of titles throughout his competitive career is also the founder of the exceptionally popular Muay Thai Muppets site and social media.
Ok so what I do when I am by self is
5_3 min rounds skipping with 1 minute break in the break I must do as many push ups as I can.
3_3 min rounds shadow boxing 1 minute break in the break I must do as many crunches as possible
6_3 min rounds heavy bag work 1 minute break first round push ups in the break 2nd round break crunches. So basically alternate the push ups and crunches each 1 minute break until the 6 rounds is over.
Finish with 5 sets of wide grip pull-ups each set to failure.
Amber Kitchen
WBC Champion Amber Kitchen comes from a long line of fighting talent in her family. The ONE Championship signed fighter has mum, dad and sister as hugely experienced training influences.
I start my home workout with 3 x 3 shadow boxing with 1 minute breaks.
In the first round I find it beneficial to limit my movements to basic techniques and not concentrating too much on tight guards and sharpness so I can exaggerate each movement to a semi stretch/semi shadow.
At the end of round buzzer I will do 10 x press ups ,10 x crunches and 10 x squat thrusts leaving myself approximately 30 seconds to recover.
In rounds 2 and 3, I concentrate in a tight guard and initiate angles/fakes all done at full speed.
I am extremely lucky to have a twin sister to practice with during this time so my next stage is to work on no power kicking drills for example partner A throws 3 x roundhouse kicks-
1 x leg kick.
1 x body kick
1 x head kick all from right leg.
partner B will block the leg kick and counter.
Catch or block body kick and counter.
Lean back from head kick and counter.
This should be practiced thinking about technique fully with tight guards, perfect stance, stepping to the side when catching kicks and using efficiency in kicks (not lazy kicking) but with limited power (approx 10% power)due to having no shin guards.
Alternate the 3 kicks with your partner for 2 rounds building up speed for the second round.
In round 2 adapt by varying heights but don't throw any fakes.
Repeat this with left kicks for 2 rounds using the cross catch technique counter for the body kick.
Then practice alternating 4 x kicks each (2 left and 2 right)with your push kicks (body kicking only) for 2 x 2 minute rounds using catches or parry's.
Make sure your not reaching for the kicks leaving an open guard for a potential counter punch and keep your eye contact high as constantly looking down to where the kick is coming from will initiate bad habits.
Circuit 1
A basic circuit is very easy to set up and you can do at home or garden.
Create your circuit by writing out your own circuit cards.
Keep your exercises basic using upper/lower body/abs
A max of 30 seconds for each station is enough with only 10 second changing times.
Work as hard as possible on each station having a goal set for each so amount of reps can be improved whilst keeping good form always.
Tricep dips- this can be done on your sofa or a chair.
Lunges incorporating a knee strike (alternate legs).
Speed straight punches with weights (you can also use ie squash bottles, cans etc for weighted punches if desired).
Leg raises- you can use the end of the sofa to hold on to which helps isolate the abs and save the back from unnecessary stress.
Plank (make sure form is perfect and body straight).
Tuck jumps - try and use a soft surface if possible or wear decent trainers to minimise stress pounding (not for people who have knee complaints).
Knee drills - use a wall or any focal object above or around chest height making sure you swing the hips back as far as possible, also point the toe which allows the knee to make a more prominent spear weapon.
Circuit 2
We also do this routine after every session at Touchgloves. It has been designed with minimal movements between exercises allowing us to work 30 second reps with no break at all as you are already in position for the next task.
Sit ups
Push outs
V sits
Reverse crunches
Cycle twists
Dorsal raises
Press ups
Alternate squat thrusts
Knees to shoulders
Squat jump alternating legs with 4 straight punches (while your in the air).
Finish on sprints. Set out 3-5 desired distances marked with any house hold object. Run to the first object, then back, then the second and so on.
Important *Make sure you are touching the floor on each rep both at the station and the home base/starting point every time as this cramps your lungs and makes it much harder to gain a full lung of air until your rest break.
Start with 3 races (better against a partner for competition purposes)
If you have children then give them a head start so you have a fun goal to catch them up.
Although important stretching for long periods of time is often neglected in our choice of martial art so with plenty of time on our hands and a nice warm summer approaching, this is something that can be rectified.
It is best done after your session so your muscles are warmer.
Here are some stretches I like to use.
Standing hamstring stretches
Piriformis stretch
Triceps stretch
Figure Four Stretch
90/90 stretch
Butter fly stretch
Knee to chest stretch
Standing quad stretch.
Take your time with these and allow yourself perfect form even though you're tired from your work out.
20 seconds in position should be enough and try to maximise the stretch without being vulnerable to injuries.
Enson Inoue
Enson Inoue is a Hawaiian born BJJ Black belt and professional MMA fighter. A globally renowned figure, Enson has competed at the highest level for decades including the likes of Shooto, Pride and UFC.
I like to work sit ups. Here's what I do. I sit in the floor and stick my feet under a couch or anything weighted. Then I do full sit ups, as much as I can, for 2 minutes. Then I get a 15 second rest then rep for 1 minute. Then 15 seconds rest the reps for 30 seconds. Then 15 seconds rest then last set of reps for 15 seconds.
When I rest I make sure I'm resting in the up position not the down position.
Also I lock my hands behind my head until I start failing. Then I if I can't get up I continue with my hands crossed across my chest. When I begin to fail even with my hands crossed across my chest I allow myself to swing my arms for momentum
Phoenix Carnevale
Phoenix Carnevale is a New York based Martial Arts coach, actress and journalist. Hugely active across her different roles, she is also one of the most popular instructors on the fitness live streaming service 'the daily burn'.
Right now, we are all grieving our everyday lives. We are grieving all the regularities we took for granted. It's hard to think positive, so in my eyes the only way to BE positive is to be PRODUCTIVE. Don't grieve what you have temporarily lost. Innovatively Improvise! Here are two strategies I am using to stay sane:
Learning new combinations from great instructors.
Sometimes the advice of your instructors can echo in your mind the way Obi Wan Kenobi spoke to Luke Skywalker. In my mind I can hear my master, Ajarn Phil Nurse talk about purposeful shadow boxing. You'll see people mindlessly shadow box while they kill time waiting to hit pads or as a basic warm. This is such a wasted opportunity. Shadowboxing helps you drill new combinations. During the quarantine great instructors are online sharing amazing content. It's an opportunity to learn from some pretty amazing people you would otherwise not get a chance to train with.
Every day I choose a different instructor and I drill a few of their combinations for 5 rounds. 5 combos for 5 rounds interspliced with my regular shadow boxing. Learning new combinations creates new neural pathways in the brain. The pathways get stronger with repetition until the behavior is the new normal. The worst thing a fighter can do is become predictable. This helps change your immediate offense and defense. It sparks creativity and even reinvigorate your passion for your art.
Choose a different instructor you like for every day of the week and you'll never get bored of shadowboxing. There are in infinite amount of styles and combinations overall expanding your neuromuscular conditioning, your passions and may introduce you to some instructors you might have not had time for.
Ok I'll admit it's not as much fun as hitting pads_I know_ BUT I'm adding in new combos and slowing myself down! That's a great thing. I can focus on form and footwork and take my time to drill something new into my arsenal.
Mental Training. How many of us have books and magazine sitting in our homes that we haven't read in YEARS? I'm reviewing my old magazines and martial arts books and am finding insightful stories and philosophies-things I haven't thought about in years. Spending time reflecting on discipline and self-control has helped me reevaluate what the true essence of marital arts has always been about for me. We sometimes forget that martial arts are much more than just combat sports.
Mei Yamaguchi
Mei Yamaguchi is one of Japan's most prolific combat sports athletes. The ONE Championship signed fighter has competed at the highest level in Karate, BJJ MMA.
My favorite solo training workout is "Plank".
It's super simple and sometimes boring but it's necessary for core strength. I prefer to draw a circle horizontally and vertically, then twist your hips!!
After holding 30sec, do 10times each. Draw circle horizontal (5to right 5to left), vertical (5to right 5to left) and twist.
Sets depend on individual. Try 2-3 sets if you can
Nick Hemmers
As the brother of legendary Dutch Kickboxer Ramon Dekkers and the son of Glory Kickboxing's Cor Hemmers, Nick has grown up in the world of elite level combat sports. Now the head coach and hugely sought after instructor at Hemmers Gym in Holland.
When I train for myself I love to throw every technique 10 times, from orthodox and Southpaw
10 jabs
10 straights
10 hooks
10 uppercuts
10 knees
10 low kicks
10 middle kicks
10 high kicks
Switch to southpaw then do it again
Once I did that I throw them in pairs.
10 times jab-straight
10 hook-hook
10 upper-upper
10 left knee right knee
and so forth
After that I usually start training with another person, as this is not possible now I do 30 push UPS and 100 sit UPS
After that I go on the heavy bag but I always change the combinations.
I try to work out 40-60 minutes for myself, depends on my motivation of that day
Wojtek Oleksyk
Wojtek Oleksyk is the co-founder and co-head coach of Hanuman Thai Boxing in Edinburgh. The Polish born Muay Thai fighter is hugely popular as a striking coach and much sought after by fighters wanting high level instruction.
Not only at this difficult time we are facing just now but each time when I travel and for some reasons can't get a hold of Muay Thai gym or any gym around me this is the little routine I do mostly :
10/15 min warm up :
gentle jog, stretches 5km run ( as fast as I can )
15mjn shadow boxing ( focusing on power of each strike ) 5 sets of 20 push ups
Gerard Lim
Gerard Lim is one of the most experienced Judoka in all of Singapore. The Judo Black belt and head coach/founder of the globally renowned Jagsport is also one of the main driving forces behind the Singaporean Olympic Judo Team.
Home practice for Sweeping hip (Harai Goshi) and/or Inner thigh (Uchimata) throw. A favourite for judo and sambo athletes, often producing spectacular results. This simple workout improves balance and technique effectiveness. Performed by Gary Chow, coach (Southeast Asian Games, multiple medalist for Sport Sambo and Judo)
Place both hands on wall. Step in with left leg while keeping right leg firmly on the ground
Keep right leg almost straight while reaping. Leg should be in straight line with body. Head turned out to look at sole of reaping leg.
Position prior to executing throw
Position prior to executing throw
Sweeping hip throw demo
The drill
Alternate sides drill
Ivan Hippolyte
Ivan Hippolyte is a globally renowned Dutch Kick-boxer with multiple World titles under his belt. The head coach of the famous Vos gym in Amsterdam has had a hand in the training of some of the best strikers fighting today.
Training core to do on my own.
Start: Skipping 10min
Warming up legs:
Jumping front kicks (each leg 50)
Round kicks middle(each leg 50)
Knee speed left-right total 100
2 min shadow-boxing(no kicks)
1 min shadow-boxing/ 20 push-up shoulder size/ 100 left-right straight punches.
1 min shadow-boxing/15 push-up twice shoulder size/ 100 hooks
1 min shadow-boxing/ 10 push-up hands cross/ 100 uppercuts 5_2 min shadow Thai-boxing
Finish with some abdominals excercises and stretching.
Kirian Fitzgibbons
Kirian Fitzgibbons is the owner and head coach of the internationally renowned CSA gym in California. The base for many of America's top fighters, Kirian also has huge experience having been the coach for the US Muay Thai team and the Ultimate Fighter series.
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.
Cherelle Brown
Cherelle Brown is one of the UK's top Boxers. The highly respected WBC Champion is also one of the main coaches at the brilliant Urban Kings gym in central London.
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.
Praise Vaughn
Praise Vaughn is one of the main coaches at the exceptional Diaz Combat Sports in Vancouver. The Canadian athlete, fitness model and instructor is much sought after because of her highly technical approach to Boxing.
Below are my 'go to' staples with roadwork, jump rope and shadowboxing. The bodyweight Tabata is ever changing, so I just chose a few exercises as an example that give a decent full body workout. Please let me know right away if any of this needs clarifying. I usually do not do roadwork and the Tabata back to back, but those who are very fit could likely do so without issue. Normally I would do my roadwork in the morning and the Tabata later that afternoon or vice versa.
Many thanks!
(Jog/Run 3 mins + Walk 1 min) x 5
(Jog/Run 3 mins + Sprint 30 secs + Walk 30 secs) x 5
The above times can be modified to 5 min run/jog for mma. I typically do the 3 minute rounds of running for boxing and for time management, but if I have the time and want to really push myself, I'll go for 5 minute rounds.
1-3 minute walk recover
Cool down: 3 or 5 min round of shadowboxing for cool-down (3 minutes boxing / 5 minutes kickboxing/mma)
At Home Workout:
Warmup: Jump rope 3 mins x 3
Bodyweight Tabata: (20 seconds FULL-ON INTENSITY with 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds for each exercise. Extended 30 seconds recovery after each set of 4. Aka in-between new exercises.
1. Burpee Sprawls
2. Shadowboxing - Don't be lazy! (explosive, attacking, intense 20 second bursts)
3. Pushups
4. Jump Switch Lunges
5. Elbow Plank - Knee to tricep (bring right knee out to the side to touch right tricep then left knee to left tricep with control, continuously.)
6. Gateswings or Jump Squats
7. Side Plank hip dips on one side
8. Side Plank hip dips on the opposite side
Cool down: 1 round of shadowboxing for cool-down
Stretch 5-10 mins
Bodyweight Tabata modifications for beginners or those who are new to Tabata or perhaps newly back to fitness:
1. Modified Burpees (no pushup from sprawl)
2. Shadowbox (plan your combos in advance if new to boxing or kickboxing and throw them on repeat)
3. Kneeling Pushups (hips down, aligned with spine.
4. Step Switch Lunges (good upper body posture, engaged abs)
5. Elbow Plank without knees (hips down, aligned with spine)
6. Regular Air Squats (check for proper form)
7. Side Plank without dips one side (check for proper alignment of shoulder and elbow)
8. Side Plank without dips other side
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.
Charlie Peters
Charlie Peters is one of the UK's foremost fighting talents. The UK No 1 and 3 x World Champion is currently signed to the global promotion ONE Championship and coaches regularly in a fitness company he co-founded (Notorious London).
Shadow box for 3 rounds.
Press ups in the first minute rest
Squats in the second rest
and a low plank for the third rest.
Then go into 30min of HEAVY skipping with the Thai rope.
Then do another 5 rounds of shadow boxing at a higher pace resting in the breaks.
Finished off with a ladder work out.
Start off at 2 reps and add 2 reps every time round_
Finishing on either 10 /16/20 reps_depending on how i feel!
Squat jumps- half burpee- mountain climbers- press up- sit ups
Ernesto Hoost
Ernesto Hoost will need no introduction to anyone that is a fan of striking sports. The Dutch Kickboxing legend has won countless tournaments and World titles from across a wide range of the biggest promotions in the world.
What I am actually doing, forced by the circumstances is very simple but very effective.
I climb the stairs in my house. I have 4 floors (basement ground floor first and second floor) and I just go up and down for 45 minutes. Very simple but very effective.
I can train by myself in the gym. What I will do is rounds on the bag for 3 minutes, 1 minute rest.
In the 3 minutes I sprint back and forth for half a minute, the other half I make combos on the bag.
Easy to do if you have a timer. Some rounds I will only kick. Basically only roundhouse kicks to the middle. First minute one kick, second minute two and kicks and last minute 3.
Each round I add a kick meaning that at the 8th round I kick 8,9,10 times. This is the amount I end with, I might add 2 more rounds
Sari G
Sari G is a multiple times National Kyushin Karate Champion. Product of the hugely respected Karate school Elite Martial Arts, Sari is also a hugely sought after strength and conditioning coach.
Strength and Conditioning
* Pull Ups
* I start by hanging on the door frame for about 20 seconds to release pressure from my spine, turning neck slightly up and down. Then I start with a set of 10 pull up with reverse grip (Chin ups for biceps), then 10 with front grip (Pull ups for latissimus dorsi)
* Pressups
* I then move onto press ups, I will do 10 shoulder width, 10 wide , 10 triangle (for triceps), and 10 knuckle normal width
* Sit Ups
* I then do 20 normal situps, then 20 with tucking knees into chest and full leg extends
* Leg Raises
* I then go back to the door frame and do 20 leg raises until my toes reach the door frame (abs)
* Squats
* 20 squats, and hold 20 seconds on the last rep *
Single Leg Sit to Stand
* Then from standing stance, I raise one leg and lay down on the floor and stand back up on that one leg (10 each leg)
* Stretches
* I finish off by stretching for about 20 minutes, put my feet on a high edge and lean forward to stretch hamstrings
* Foam Roller
* I use a form roller to target sore areas and help improve blood flow to the muscle to prevent stiffness
* Yoga
* My wife is a yoga instructor so I do yoga with her in the evening to help maintain peace of mind and improve breathing techniques and flexibility.
My strength and conditioning sets are in 10. Every round of the above is 1 set with 2 minutes break in between.
Jamie Goulding
Jamie Goulding is a multiple times World Champion in Karate and Kickboxing. The highly renowned Karate Black belt has been competing on the international circuits since being a small child. Now working in the Stunt industry as well running Gouldings Martial Arts in Bolton.
3 x 2 mins shadow box No head kicks !
10 min stretch i spend more time stretching what is feeling tight
Drill 1
20 fast punches then sprawl
18 then sprawl
16 then sprawl
14 then sprawl
All the way down to 2
Drill 2
20 knees on the spot then sprawl
18 then sprawl
Basically same as above but with knees
Drill 3
Then 8
Then 6
Then 4
Then 2
Drill 4
Squat jump front kicks
1x1min round
1x 45sec round
1x 30sec round
1x 15 sec round
I finish with 3_2 mins rounds shadow kickboxing
Ryan Diaz
Ryan Diaz is a professional MMA fighter and full time coach. Co-owner of the Lab in San Diego and owner of Diaz Combat Sports in Vancouver, Ryan has unparalleled experience in coaching fighters from across the world to the highest level of competition.
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.
Jonno Chipcase
Jonno Chipcase is a highly regarded UK Muay Thai fighter. The British and European Champion coached out of Manchester Fighters Academy and is a regular on fighting promotions across the world.
One of my favorite solo training exercises is shadowboxing whilst jogging. Many of the greats have used this method because, for one, it's a good way to make sure you always have a loaded shot from whatever footing. I usually do this on long runs for weight loss. While on them, I focus on trying to throw punches from both stances, and all angles. Sometimes stopping, just to feel the proper load of the shot.
When you first try this, you may find that you end up unable to throw quite often, because of unstable foot positioning. But the more you do it, the better it feels, and the better you get at it. It also helps get me into the run. I've included a video of both myself after a 3 mile run doing this, and also, a few clips of a boxer who always had a loaded shot ready: Sugar Ray Robinson, to elucidate what I mean. Sugar is pure magic in this field.
Ashley Amos
Ashley Amos is one of the top BJJ athletes in the UK today. Also a Judo Black belt, this elite grappler regularly competes at the highest level across BJJ, Judo and MMA.
Due to gyms being closed and lack of kit, the method of training I'm going to talk about is kettlebells.
I am a qualified strength and conditioning coach and kettlebell instructor, I've been using them for around 10 years so fairly experienced with them so hopefully this blog is of some use to you.
The main thing I take in to consideration when planing my kettlebell workouts is what does the rest of my day look like?
This part comes with experience and knowing your own body, if I've got some really good guys on the mat later or a hard session planned I won't kill my self an hour before with kettlebells, be fatigued and perform poorly in my martial arts session. But, if I've got nice gap in-between or the rest of day is mostly privates and teaching or trapped in the house going out of mind due to a corona virus lockdown I may choose to work a bit harder.
This can be done in 2 ways;
1. Intensity (weight of the kettle bell)
2. Volume (amount of reps/rounds completed)
Below are some simple structures for workouts I use. You can alter weight, rounds completed and rest between sets to match your need, but not at the cost of form and technique.
1. 50 swings x 10 rest 30 - 60 seconds between sets
2. 6-5-4-3-2-1 Swing Cleans - each side Squat Press
3. 3 TGU 10 swings 2 TGU 20 swings. - each side 1 TGU 30 swings
Guy Ramsey
Guy Ramsey is the founder and head coach of the legendary Scottish gym the Griphouse. The Grip as it is affectionately known has been the birth place of a huge chunk of the fighting talent coming out of the country for years.
The Shadow Fight
I first heard the phrase 'shadow fighting' when our Polish lads began started training with us. We all know shadow boxing doesn't just mean boxing technique, but there's something visceral and purposeful about the phrase 'shadow fighting' that resonates with something I believe in- if you look like you are training for a Mayweather highlight mitt clip, rather than being in a fight for your life, you're probably missing one of the greatest tools there is in our hong kong book of kung-fu. It's a tool for repping out and mastering new techniques, it can be done at any speed to iron out flaws in delivery, and right now in Covid land, for most of us, it's all we've got.
Hold the line!
"Warm up! Shadowboxing! Go.." I know I've started hundreds of classes with that rallying cry. Shadow needs to be more than a warm up, it has to be done once you are warm and mobile. It has to be delivered with technique, intent, even passion, as if your life depended on it. Under these conditions, I've seen pad-fit fighters gas within minutes. I've also had success with some fighters, who through impact injuries, could not fight prep with pads but used purposeful shadowboxing and technical sparring to achieve fight-ready sharpness.
The Kitchen Sink
Ask anyone to start shadowboxing and I guarantee they'll start with their hands, and probably throw a ratio of around 8-1 offence to defence. Is this how they fight? If it's not, you want to change that ratio sharpish.
Another question to ask is who is your imaginary opponent? Or are you hitting imaginary fresh air? Are they tall, short, southpaw, switcher, high volume puncher, powerful body kicker, etc..you must have mental image of how all/any of these would fight and how you're going to shadowbox to beat them.
Sweep the Leg!
I wrote about the offence/defence ratio, and most people are happy throwing everything, but keep their defence limited to blocking and parrying. When was the last time you shadowed a catch, with a full follow through to a sweep? Did you move off to the side? Elevate the leg? Add some rotation to further off balance opponent? Extend your arm across their face to apply pressure? It all needs to be there to be complete purposeful shadowboxing.
And if you ever slow it down, you just might find you're making the same shapes as that tai chi guy under the tree at the park. Maybe they did know something after all..
John Kavanagh
John Kavanagh is a world renowned MMA coach, BJJ Black belt and the founder of SBG Ireland. He has taken multiple athletes to the UFC including the likes of Conor McGregor, Artem Lobov and Cathal Pendred.
My advice is to walk 5k a day. During a pandemic people should avoid intense workouts. Now is the time for boosting white blood cells, reducing stress, boosting immune system. 5k walk daily will do this.
Somapat Sitiwatjana
Somapat Sitiwatjana (or Master A as he is widely known) is one of the trailblazers on the UK Muay Thai scene. Brother to the globally renowned Master Toddy, Master A has been a driving force for decades, coaching and inspiring many generations of British fighters/coaches.
My go to solo workout would be anything with a tabata protocol. It is an interval style format consisting of 8 rounds. 20 seconds of hard work with a 10 seconds break. The whole exercise is 4 minutes long and if done properly (with maximum intensity) then you'll be left feeling completely spent.
Since it's a fast workout you can then pair it with a moderate cool down such as a run or lower tempo shadow boxing.
Here are a three typical exercises
1. Burpees, Maximum amount of work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.
2. Shadow boxing with weights.
3. Kettlebell swing's.