8 Killer Submissions when Attacking the Back in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
8 Killer Submissions when Attacking the Back in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
The back is regarded as one of the dominant positions to take in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (and most grappling/wrestling based systems). A lot of athletes and fighters spend a lot of time looking to improve their game with regards to how to get there and how to avoid someone else getting there when training or competing. Although the most common approach is to look for a choke once this position is secure, there are a multitude of other attacking options that open up when on the back.
The featured coach is Garry Christie, BJJ black belt, highly respected instructor and coach at the Griphouse in Glasgow. Garry is a much sought after instructor, known for his vast knowledge of grappling and exceptional coaching ability. The Griphouse itself is located in Glasgow and is internationally regarded as one of the best gyms in the UK. In the tutorials below Garry goes over some of his favourite details to bear in mind when attacking the back and 8 different submission attacks once you have the position secured in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (or any other grappling based sport/system);
You can find more great tutorials from the Griphouse such as these below on the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel;
For more information on Garry or any of the fantastic coaching available at the Griphouse in Glasgow, please visit www.thegriphouse.co.uk!
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