Advanced Muay Thai Drills - Stance Changes in Fights with Greg Wootton
Advanced Muay Thai Drills - Stance Changes in Fights with Greg Wootton
Not all training is suitable for novices and complete beginners. Advanced Muay Thai Drills such as those that involve changing stance mid fight are only really worth trying if you have a solid level of fundamental technique and skill. One of the many key attributes that world class fighters such as Greg Wootton possess is the much desired ability to fight from orthodox or southpaw stances.
Switching or stepping are different ways you can go from one stance to another whilst attacking or countering in fights. These clever transitions open up a whole new level of angles to exploit and will make life difficult for any opponent you face.
Greg Wootton
The featured coach is Greg Wootton, multiple times World Muay Thai Champion, UK No 1, renowned British fighter and coach at Bloodline Gym in London, UK. Greg is considered by many as of the best fighters of his generation to come out of the UK.
He has lived and trained extensively in Thailand with the majority of his time at the highly regarded Kiatphontip gym. Out of his 35 professional fights he has had 31 wins and only 4 losses. One of his biggest wins comes over Thailand’s most decorated champion Petboonchu FA group.
Muay Thai Stance Changes to Counter
Greg goes over 3 of his ways to use stance changes to counter an aggressive striker in the video below
Muay Thai Stance Changes to Attack
Greg goes over 3 of his favourite ways to use stance changes to attack an experienced opponent in the video below
For more information on Greg, Bloodline gym or any of the fantastic coaching available with him, please contact him through his Instagram account or via his gym's website.
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