Attacking the Back Paddy 'The Baddy' Style for MMA / No Gi

Attacking the Back Paddy 'The Baddy' Style for MMA / No Gi

Attacking the Back Paddy 'The Baddy' Style for MMA / No Gi

Paddy 'The Baddy' Pimblett is one of many MMA fighters (and No Gi Submission Wrestlers) the world over that views the back as one of THE most dominant positions to take in competition. Not for no reason, as this is where you can hit some of the highest percentage submissions going. Number one on that list has to be the universally loved (or despised dependent on whether you are the giver or receiver) rear naked choke. Given how effective this choke is, most higher level athletes engage in various defensive measures to try and fight it off once the back has been taken. Countering these then has to become second nature for any would be taker of souls or in Paddy's words "choker of bi**hes"!!

The featured coach is Paddy 'The Baddy' Pimblett, Cage Warriors incumbent, highly regarded grappler/MMA fighter, Scramble sponsored athlete and fighter/coach at the excellent Next Generation MMA gym in Liverpool. Known for his slick jiu-jitsu, Paddy has dominated on the floor time and time again over the course of his competitive career. In the tutorial below, he shares some of his favourite details on finishing the rear naked choke once you have taken the back in MMA or No Gi grappling;

You can find more great tutorials from Paddy such as this below on the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel;

For more information on Paddy 'The Baddy' Pimblett or any of the fantastic coaching available at Next Generation MMA Gym, please visit! For any more details on the awesome Scramble range as worn by him in these videos, check out!

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