How Elite Muay Thai Fighters Use the Teep to the Leg to Kill an Opponents Balance & Attacks

How Elite Muay Thai Fighters Use the Teep to the Leg to Kill an Opponents Balance & Attacks

How Elite Muay Thai Fighters Use the Teep to the Leg to Kill an Opponents Balance & Attacks

The Teep (or front kick as it is sometimes known) is a technique synonymous with the art of Muay Thai. The straight leg kicking attack is favoured heavily by Muay Thai fighters all across the world. For good reason too. It is a highly effective tool and can be utilised effectively in a whole manner of different ways. Use's can include pushing opponents away to create distance, stabbing the solar plexus to knock the wind out of an attacking fighter and maintaining range (similar to how boxers use the jab).

The leg is often only targeted regularly with the teep by experienced fighters, as it takes practise and understanding as to how best to make it work consistently at the highest level of Muay Thai competition.

A photo of Muay Thai fighters Reece and Gary McAllister demonstrating techniques

The featured instructor is Gary Mcallister, former British Thai Boxing Champion, UK No 1 and renowned head instructor of Phoenix Muay Thai in Shildon. A hugely experienced and successful coach, his tutelage is filled with a vast amount of awesome details you are going want to add to your game today! In the tutorial below, he (alongside his son, Uber talent, one of the best Muay Thai fighters to have come out of the UK and World Champion Reece Mcallister) shares some of his favourite details on how to teep the leg to off balance an opponent and then how to work off it in Muay Thai;

You can find more great tutorials from Gary such as these below on the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel;

For more information on all the amazing coaching available with Gary Mcallister, please contact him directly through his Facebook page at!

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