Working the Uppercut Effectively in Boxing
Working the Uppercut effectively in Boxing
The uppercut is a hugely under utilised punch by some fighters in Boxing and an array of other Combat Sports. This is often due to a lack of understanding as to how this punch can be used effectively. Like all punches the uppercut is not just one dimensional. There is a myriad of different ways in which it can be used. Particularly under Boxing rules (where fists are the only allowed weapon) you will find a huge array of details that ensure this punch is one you will definitely want to master!
The featured coach is Cherrelle Brown, multiple times National ABA Champion, highly respected international fighter and coach at Urban Kings Gym in London. Cherrelle has dominated the domestic scene at an elite amateur level for years and is now looking to continue this in the professional rankings having recently turned pro. In the tutorial below Cherrelle goes over some of her favourite details to bear in mind when utilising the uppercut for maximum effectiveness in Boxing or other combat sports that involve striking;
You can find more great tutorials from Cherrelle such as these below on the Warrior Collective Youtube Channel;
For more information on Cherrelle or any of the fantastic coaching available at Urban Kings Gym in London, please visit www.urbankingsgym.com!
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