Sandee Cool-Tec Glove Review
Sandee Cool-Tec Glove Review
Sandee have been a massive name in Muay Thai for a long time now. Firmly established as one of the top brands supplying quality apparel and equipment for over 35 years, their Cool-Tec Glove boasts a recently updated design and their patented breathable mesh material across the upper palm area for cool hands during training. For more information on this range of glove or to pick up a pair at a great price, visit Sandee by clicking on the link in the image below.
Quick Stats
I got my hands on all 4 sizes available in this range (10oz, 12oz, 14oz and 16oz) to try out (each in a different colour (white, red, blue and black) a few months ago after kindly being sent them all for free by Sandee to test out for the Warrior Collective. The Sandee Cool-Tec Gloves sit firmly near the top of their range within this product type and are a full leather glove weighing in between approx 0.57kg (for the 10oz) and approx 0.91kg (for the 16oz). The gloves are made from premium grade cow hide leather and produced at their factories in Thailand.
First Impressions
The design is fairly consistent with what I have come to expect from Sandee over the years. It is not wild or wacky with regards to artwork or colour choices and looks like a very well made pair of gloves. It has a thick wrist support with accompanying velcro that looks and feels substantial. I prefer my gloves like this so as to offer more protection for my wrists when boxing. The double stitching is professionally done and looks immaculate throughout. The grip bar inside (which is a feature not to everyone's liking) is a little stiff when first out of the packaging (you have to really tighten your grip to make a fist) but again this is not something that puts me off. Their patented breathable mesh material across the palm looks and feels fine. I like the feel of these gloves on across all the sizes, which is not always the case for me with some brands. The 10oz right through to the 16oz fit fine. I would not say I have massive hands but they are certainly not small so it is nice to be able to use each weight of glove with no restrictions. They genuinely do just increase the padding as opposed to changing the internal structure/fit of the glove for each size.
Training with the Sandee Cool-Tec Gloves
Straight off they feel great. The well displaced padding ensures that my knuckles are not feeling any undue pain or contact when boxing. As much thought seems to have gone into the internal structure of the glove as well, the inside feels well made and unlikely to tear or wear easily. The wide, tightly fitting velcro strap supports the wrist well and the grip bar does start to relax after prolonged use (although I think they would definitely take some wear to get them more comfortable for clinch work). I am not sure if it is just me or not (maybe because I tend to wear wraps) but the breathable mesh across the palm does not really seem to make that much of a difference to the coolness of my hands when training. It feels fairly similar to the other gloves that I use in this respect. This potentially though may reduce the build up of nasty smells given that it allows more air to ventilate into the glove after training.
Muay Thai Tutorials with the Sandee Cool-Tec Gloves
I am always keen to get others involved when trying out equipment wherever I can. I took a pair of the 16oz gloves over to top UK Muay Thai fighter/coach Paul Karpowicz of 2 Technical Muay Thai in Reddish, Stockport to test out whilst delivering some truly awesome tutorials for the Warrior Collective. He was a big fan of the gloves following a good few hours of training during the filming and actually utilises a lot of the Sandee range within the equipment he has up in his gym. Check out 2 of them here below;
Check Paul's Facebook page out today at www.facebook.com/2TechnicalMuayThai for further information on training, private lessons and how to contact him with regards to seminars etc!
Anything else?
Any other things to consider? Only one really! The cost! The Sandee Cool-Tec glove range retails at £79.00 at most sites in the UK. This puts it firmly at a premium price point competing with the higher end gloves other Thai made brands such as Faitex, Twins and Yokkao produce as well as American ones offered by the likes of Revgear and Venum. There are plenty of cheaper products on the market and there are few more expensive.
- Quality - Very well constructed genuine leather gloves confirming the adage, you get what you pay for
- Fit - All sizes offered in the range are fit well
- Protection - The padding is dispersed across the glove well and the wrist strap is wide and supportive
- Use - I really enjoyed using these gloves for all areas of training, I find the 14oz an especially great weight for everything i.e. pads, bag work and sparring
- Cool-Tec - Not really a con per se but I did not really think breathable mesh made much of a difference
- Cost - They are expensive and some people will no doubt be put off by this high ticket item
- Design - It is a great looking glove, there is no denying that (if you like standard colours, you are going to love them) but a tad generic some people's liking, I would like a couple of bolder options design/colour wise at this price point to make them stand out in a crowd
Would I recommend them? Yes, I definitely would. Although as stated above I am not completely sold on the Cool-Tec aspect being all that effective nor am I a big fan of plain colours/designs being the only options, these are minor niggles in what is an excellent range of glove. The cost is what I would expect to pay for this standard of equipment and they more than hold their own against other brands premium gloves.
Sandee has real consistency in the quality to be found across their entire range and this is just another example of the kind of fantastic product they are capable of producing.
Design - 8/10 (just a little more dynamism in the art department will push this up)
Quality to Cost Ratio - 8/10
Support - 9/10
Fit - 9/10 (if you have medium to large hands like me, these are gonna be perfect)
Durability - 8/10
Use - 8/10
Overall - 8/10 (Great all round gloves that won't go amiss in any training bag)
To find out more information on these gloves or to purchase them at a great price, I would recommend visiting www.sandeeboxing.com!
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