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Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter with Yoddecha Sityodtong

Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter with Yoddecha Sityodtong

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A graphic image of Yoddecha Sityodtong showcasing Muay Thai Drills from his Camp Training Beginner to Fighter volume

Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter with Yoddecha Sityodtong

Yoddecha Sityodtong will need no introduction to anyone who is a follower of the Muay Thai community.  The Multiple times World Champion and Kings Cup winner is not only a former No 1 ranked fighter at the legendary Lumpinee Stadium, he is also one of the few certified instructors from the globally renowned Sityodtong Camp.  In this, only his second ever instructional volume with the Warrior Collective, he goes through step by step, a whole manner of amazing coaching content, knowledge and drills he personally likes to utilise regularly with the world class fighters he trains - Kick Drills, Countering Aggressive Fighters, Attacking Combinations, Mastering Elbows, Changing Ranges and Muay Thai Progressions.

Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter with Yoddecha Sityodtong

Yoddecha Sityodtong will need no introduction to anyone who is a follower of the Muay Thai community.  The Multiple times World Champion and Kings Cup winner is not only a former No 1 ranked fighter at the legendary Lumpinee Stadium, he is also one of the few certified instructors from the globally renowned Sityodtong Camp.  

Muay Thai is well known as the martial art of striking that originated in Thailand.  Having grown up in a traditional Muay Thai camp in Thailand, Yoddecha knows only too well what camp training at elite level looks like.  

Muay Thai drills form the backbone of development for everyone from beginner to fighter when it comes to learning technique, pad work and sparring.  

Yoddecha Sityodtong

Yoddecha Sityodtong has an unparalleled amount of experience in Muay Thai at the very highest level from a career that spanned over 25 years.  His fight record stands at 145-37 and he has competed in many countries across the globe.  

He was also featured on the History Channel hit programme 'The Human Weapon' and has been included in many videos over the years documenting both Muay Thai and Muay Boran.  

One of the first instructors resident at the world famous Evolve MMA in Singapore, he has recently moved over to the UK to continue with his passion for coaching the next generation of Muay Thai fighters and athletes.    

A photo of Yoddecha Sityodtong showcasing Muay Thai Drills from his Camp Training Beginner to Fighter volume


Here, for only his second time ever, he has filmed an in-depth volume of work showcasing his unique approach to coaching


Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter

A graphic image of Yoddecha Sityodtong showcasing Muay Thai Drills from his Camp Training Beginner to Fighter volume 

In it, he goes through step by step, a whole manner of amazing coaching content, knowledge and drills he personally likes to utilise regularly with the world class fighters he trains - Kick Drills, Countering Aggressive Fighters, Attacking Combinations, Mastering Elbows, Changing Ranges and Muay Thai Progressions.  

A photo of Yoddecha Sityodtong showcasing Muay Thai Drills from his Camp Training Beginner to Fighter volume     

So, whether you are looking to take your own personal game to the next level or want to develop further as a coach, you will find this volume of work indispensable.    

A photo of Yoddecha Sityodtong showcasing Muay Thai Drills from his Camp Training Beginner to Fighter volume

This video includes:

  • Basic to Advanced. Every chapter and drill gone through in this volume has variations for both beginner and fighter to ensure your development no matter what level you currently are.
  • Setting up Kicks. How to use and set up your kicks to ensure you both land them and have effect on a consistent basis.
  • Countering the Kicker. A multitude of different ways to counter your opponent when they use kicks as their main weapon of attack.
  • Movement in Striking. How to move in every direction to ensure you are not pinned down or avoided by any opponent, whilst still being able to land your own significant strikes.
  • Off Line Angles. How to use angles, head and lateral movement to set up your opponent for hard hitting shots at every range.
  • K.I.S.S. Multiple systems of drills that should form the basis of your attacking combinations no matter what level you are fighting at.
  • Pad Work. Learn how elite Muay Thai coaches utilise pads when developing hard hitting elbows with their fighters and students.
  • Advanced Elbows. A complete framework for setting up and landing elbows from basic to advanced.
  • Short Range. How to use long range techniques, movement and feints to land into close range and deliver more damage.
  • Mixing Levels. A number of drills to ensure you not only mix ranges up but also interchange the targets of where your shots are going so that you do not become predictable when fighting or sparring.
  • Long Guard. How to use the long guard to defend your opponents strikes before countering with any technique you choose.
  • Dexterity Training. Ensure that you no longer have a weak side by drilling both left and right techniques consistently at every range.
  • And more….


Below is an extract from the series.  This clip is from Video 2 – Countering Aggressive Fighters


Find out for yourself why Yoddecha Sityodtong is one of the most sought after Muay Thai coaches in the world, purchase your copy of Muay Thai Drills - Camp Training Beginner to Fighter today!!

Here, you can also learn more about his other volume on this site Muay Thai - The Art of Striking, along with all the other exceptional exceptional Muay ThaiKickboxingBoxingKarate and Taekwondo Instructional Volumes featured on the Warrior Collective! 

Don’t forget to download the Warrior Collective App to your phone or device to enjoy free of charge streaming of any volume you purchase from this site.  Available on Apple and Android.  

Following purchase of this volume (and the creation of an account on this site if this is your first time) you will receive an automatic email containing the link from which to download this volume.  

Any volumes purchased will also automatically get synced to an existing account on the Warrior Collective App (as long as the same email is used to create the account on both).

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Leroy Tillman

I just wish they would make like series and bundle purchases. That were not so expensive. Overall the work is great

Albert Hosada

Are yoddecha teach from very basic teknik is there a video

A Khan
Worth the investment

Worth the money to buy this instructional.

stijn sterkmans
Game-changing information.

A great training video by a true muay Thai kru.
I like how he shows basic movements for beginners and more advanced variations for more advanced martial artists or fighters.